She glared at me, her scrutinizing stare almost making me flinch.

But I stood my ground, remembering the fact that I could squish her like a bug. Literally.

On my way out, I looked back to see everyone still staring. And honestly, I was fed up with it. I know I am the 'new guy,' but come on, this is a little much. Don't new people move to schools all the time? 

So, me being me, I smiled. And flipped everyone off.


As I bit into my subpar sandwich, I couldn't help but think about the strange attractive Smith character. His aura radiated authority. And damn it, was he hot!

Anyway, I have concluded that this school and probably whole town is just crazy messed up and I am the only normal one in it. I have also come to the realization that I am not the only ugly one here, I am the only pretty one, and everyone else is ugly.

At least that is what I'm telling myself anyway. It's not like anyone else's opinion matters, seeing as though life just revolves around me.

Kidding. Well, kind of.

I took another bite of my sandwich, this time thinking about last night.

All of those people had a family. Parents that loved them. Friends that will miss them. Some even had children.

And I killed them.

I shook my head, convincing myself it's not true. It can't be.


The rest of my day was uneventful. Literally, nobody talked to me, besides the teachers. It is like I had a sign on my back that said, "interact with me and die." It was horrible. Everyone else acted as if they were family. There were a whole lot of couples, each staring at each other lovingly. It was upsetting, really. Everyone seemed nice enough, was I really that terrible to be around?

I guess so.

On my way back home I couldn't stop the sadness that crept into me, locking my joy in a cage in which I had no key.

I sighed, trying to focus on my GPS.

Wait, why didn't I just imagine it in my head? God, I'm so dumb.

Turning off my GPS, I pictured my grey house, the green forest lurking behind it, and arrived there minutes later.

Realizing I needed to cheer myself up, I grabbed some dairy-free ice cream from the freezer and a big spoon and headed out to my Big Rock.

Ice cream fixes everything, don't judge me.

The sky had gotten slightly cloudier, but it was still beautiful. I breathed in the fresh air as I continued my short walk to the pond. Once I reached the rock, I used my telekinesis to move the ice cream carton on top of the rock, put the spoon in my mouth, and then proceeded to climb up the rock.

I set the carton in my lap, looking at the label to check the calories. 

150 Calories. Not bad. 

I continued to read out of curiosity and boredome.

10 servings per container. Damn it! Got me again. 

About 4 scoops in, I felt the atmosphere shift. All of the birds that were once singing on their little tree branches were now flying away in panic, along with the small rabbits and deer.

Then all of the chaos seemed to stop, the forest becoming silent. But not in a calm way, in an unnatural way.

I aversely put down my ice cream, getting that all too familiar feeling of being watched. I turned around, searching my surroundings for anything out of place.

Lopsided Halosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن