The Babies Are Born

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"AAAAAHHHHHHHGGG" many screams were heard from Porlyusica's house they were all from Erza.

These screams lasted for awhile before everything quieted down as Bisca, Alzack, and Asuka entered Porlyusica's home.

Erza's POV

I was so happy looking down at my two wonderful, newborn children.

They both had purple hair and were identical twins.

"Hey" said Bisca quietly as she walked in.

"Hey" I replied.

"They're so cute" Asuka said.

"What are their names!" asked Alzack.

"The boy is Rei and the girl Rose." I told him.

"Those are two beautiful names." said Bisca. Alzack nodded in agreement.

"When will I be able to go home?" I asked Porlyusica.

"By tomorrow afternoon." She said, "Can the visitors please leave, Erza needs to rest so she'll be able to leave tomorrow." She said the last part in a annoyed tone.

Bisca and her family left as I put the babies in their cribs and fell asleep.

~Awhile Later~

I woke up the morning of the next day.

The whole day was me resting or being told a ton of stuff about taking care of these babies by Porlyusica.

Finally it was time for me to go home.

Once I got to Fairy Hills I called Bisca on my communication lacrima and told her to tell everyone at the guild that I will be a the guild in one week.

I can't wait to see everyone again. Even though I can't go on jobs for awhile I know I have lots of friends who can help me get back to living my daily life.

Today, December 12, a great day, the day my two kids were born.

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