Chapter 3: Quick Clicks

Start from the beginning

Her brown eyes are glossy.

"I miss her." Chaunette shrugs, gently wiping a small tear from her eye.

I nod, sighing.

"I know, love." I say, quietly.

"Summer is hard," Chaunette shakes her head, looking out at something in the distance.

"Because Ally came back to Chicago during the summer, and this time, two years ago, we were hanging out, probably talking about her feelings for Jonny. She loved talking about him, God, it was hilarious." Chaunette says, a bittersweet smile on her face.

I nod, looking down at the ground.

"It's just tough. Because she doesn't come back to visit me in the summers, and all these Stanley Cup parties feel so odd without her here." She finishes.

"I know what you mean, Chaun." I say, nodding.

Chaunette nods, and then sniffles.

"But, I can't change what's happened. Come on, let's get to your studio so we can head to dinner. I'm already hungry." Chaunette laughs.

I smile, slurping the last bits of liquid out of my drink.

"Sounds good." I say.

I check the time on my phone quickly.


Wow, time flies.

With that, Chaunette and I begin walking towards Abby's Images together.

It's about a ten minute walk from where we are right now.

It's located in Downtown Chicago, not too far from Trump Tower, which is really nice.

Once the weather gets warm every year, I walk to work instead of driving.

Driving is such a waste, when you live ten minutes from where you work.

Chaunette and I walk amongst the mild-crowds.

It's not too busy out, and that is really nice.

The warm sun feels good against my skin, and before I know it, we have made it to the entrance of my studio.

I open the door, and we both make our way in.

The studio isn't huge; there are four photo shoot rooms, a front desk, and a gallery area where we display some of our best work.

There are five photographers that work here, six if you include me.

Ultimately, they all work for me, but they all have their own clients and that sort of thing.

My co-workers and I have a really good relationship.

I'm closest with Jennifer, though.

She's a few years younger than me, and is just a really genuine, fun person to be around.

She's always full of positive energy, and that energy just seems to radiate onto anyone around her.

She's also extremely motivated. She loves what she does, hence the reason why she's working this entire summer.

"Hey Abby!" Cole greets, from the front desk.

"Hey Cole." I say, waving.

Cole is the only male worker at Abby's Images.

He's a great guy, and he's very sweet.

"Stopping in one last time before you head off for the summer?" He asks.

"Exactly." I reply, smiling.

Chaunette and I make our way through the studio, and into my back office, where I close the door behind me.

I quickly upload today's photos onto my computer, and exchange my camera out for my smaller, simpler one.

I've already decided I'm using my more basic camera for this summer, rather than the expensive one.

I turn off my computer, and make sure I've locked everything up.

"All done?" Chaun asks, as she looks around at the photos in my office.

There's only a few, one of which is of Chaunette and I at a Blackhawks game together.

"Yes ma'am!" I giggle.

"Great." Chaunette smiles.

The two of us head out of my office, and back into the main area of the studio.

I see Jennifer leaning over the front desk, her mid-length red hair in a side braid.

She's talking to Cole.

"Hey Jennifer!" I call.

She looks over to me, her green eyes bright.

"Abigail!" She laughs, walking over to me for a hug.

"Hi Chaunette!" Jennifer smiles.

"Hey Jennifer." Chaunette says, sweetly.

"Stopping in one last time before you leave us for the summer?" Jennifer asks, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Exactly. I'll see you around this summer, I promise." I say, laughing.

"I'm sure we will. Have a great summer love, you really deserve it." Jennifer smiles.

"You too, Jenn." I say, giving her one last hug.

I say my final goodbyes to everyone as well as the studio, and then Chaunette and I make our way out through the front door.

"All done with work for two whole months." I breathe deeply, as soon as I take my first step onto the sidewalk outside of Abby's Images.

"Feels good, huh?" Chaunette laughs.

"You have no idea." I smile.

"Come on missy, let's go get dinner." Chaunette suggests, as we continue to walk.

I laugh, before replying.

"Sounds perfect to me."

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