Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

"What did you expect? For him to fucking knock on the window?" Mason retorted back, a bitter laugh following. "You wolves can be so dense sometimes."

"And what did you do?"

"I did nothing because you were supposed to be protecting her. You want to act like the mighty protector? Then don't leave her alone in the dead of night! It takes minutes to go toilet!"

"Oh, well, I'm sorry if a pack member needed help!"

Getting bored of the argument, I made my way to the living room, stumbling over my own feet as I went. Falling onto the couch, I sighed as my vodka was tossed out of my glass. Giving up on being classy, I took a swig from the bottle. My peace didn't last long as a certain someone barrelled through the door.

"Really? You're just going to sit there and drink?" Tristan asked. I could hear the anger in his voice

"What else am I supposed to do?" I shrugged. "You all said I couldn't take him on. So here's me coping." I held up the bottle before taking another long gulp. None of it was helping, but I had to pretend for my sanity. "You want to join me?"

"I'm not going to stand here and watch you self-destruct. You've wallowed for too long." The bottle was ripped from my hands and thrown against the wall, smashing into little pieces of glass. Vodka stained the carpet. I snapped.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, coming in here, and telling me what to do?" I snarled, the alcohol removing the part of my brain that filtered my thoughts and what came out of my mouth. "I tried to save my baby but I couldn't. Do you want me to pretend that everything is okay?"

"You don't have to drink yourself to death!"

"What am I supposed to do then? Huh? Am I supposed to act all mighty like you? You with your god damn ability to change into a wolf?" I was screaming at this point. "Well here's some news for you! I'm a human! Sometimes humans deal by finding the bottom of a bottle!"

"Maybe your baby is better off with Will." His voice was low, his eyes had changed from a blue to an almost white. His words felt like he'd taken a knife and driven it through my heart. His eyes widened when he realised what he'd uttered but it was too late.

"Get out." I practically growled the words, and they were filled with so much hate I couldn't believe it.


"Get out!" I screeched. He made a move to say something but clearly by the look on my face, he decided it would be better to leave. As soon as he left, I stomped to the kitchen and grabbed the whisky. Mason looked at me, sadness filling his eyes, and I held the bottle out to him as an invitation. He took it, unscrewed it, chugged a lot of it before handing it to me. I took a swig, not as large as he did, but enough to do some damage.

"Guess this won't last us for the whole week, eh?" Mason tried to make a joke but neither of us laughed.

"Guess so." I agreed. It would only last a couple of hours.

~ * ~

Walking through the back of the forest, I'm swaying dangerously. However in my state, I'd come up with a brilliant plan. I wasn't going to admit it but Tristan's words had some impact on me. I was stronger than this... wasn't I? That night when my little girl was taken, I fought for her. So why the hell had I stopped?

As I reached the porch, I looked around and couldn't see anyone else around. Admittedly, the world was spinning and I couldn't exactly walk straight so it would be easy for someone to pass me.

Picking a stone from the ground, I launched it at Beau's window. When he didn't answer quick enough, I threw another one, and another. Eventually, he answered. Before I could shout up to him, I saw him place a finger over his lips before he disappeared. Unhappy, I felt like stomping my foot.

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