Visions and The Realization

Start from the beginning


I jolt awake, screaming.

Evie wakes up and stares.

I start to breath deeply.

"Mal! Come on! Snap out of it!" She shouts.

I take a shuttering breath in attempt to calm myself down.

Spoiler, it doesn't work.

"Mal, try to match my breathing." Evie says, breathing slowly and loudly.

I try my best to match it, but fail.

"Keep trying." She whispers.

I try again, and this time it is a little more successful.

I breathe normally.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." I stutter.

Evie hugs me.

"Its not a problem." She whispers.

"Mal, you know your like my sister right?" Evie says.

I nod.

"Your not like mine." I say.

She looks confused.

"You are." I finished.

She smiles and we hug again.

"Mal, come on. Let's go get something to eat." Evie says, helping me up.


We ended up having pancakes.

As we eat, Evie can't help but stare at me.

"What?" I ask.

She chuckles.

"Sorry. Its just, I can't help but wonder what it feels like to have a vision." She says.

I shrug.

"Trust me. Its nothing to get excited about." I say, eating another piece of syrup covered pancakes.

I smile at the stick sweet syrup.

"So, what was this one about?" Evie asks after having a drink of water.

"It was the same as the last one. Prepare." I say.

"So we have to prepare for Maleificent coming to get her final revenge?" She asks, her mouth semi full of pancake.

I smile.

"I know where I can go to find answers." I say, remembering the beggining of my vision.

"Where?" Evie asks.

I shake my head.

"Just me." I say.

She frowns.

"I'm sorry Evie. This is something I do alone." I say, holding her shoulder.

Once I've finished my stack of pancakes, I get up and walk outside and onto my own scooter I bought a while ago.

As I am about to start the engine, Evie runs out.

"Mal! Wait!" She shouts.

I look back.

"At least tell me where you're going!" She says.

I nod.

"I'll be at the enchanted lake!" I say, starting the engine.

I zoom off, and I can't help but feel as if Evie's eyes are burning holes into my back.


When I get to the path that leads to the rope bridge, I park the bike, leaving it against a tree.

I begin my trek through the trees, and take it all in.

I hope I can find that rock without drowning.

I get to the rope bridge, and remember telling Ben that my middle name was Bertha.

I smile at the memorie.

I cross the bridge easily, making it across.

The stone circle where we had our picknic stood out among the browns and greens of the forest.

I walk over to the area where Ben dove into the water.

I take a shuttering breath as I walk into the shallows of the small lake.

I start wading through the deeper parts, when I feel my foot push something.

I take a deep breath and go under, just enough to grab the item and come back up.

"Got it." I whisper to myself.

The rock shines white.

"What day will my mother put her plan into action?" I ask, throwing it back into the water.

"In exactly two weeks from tomorrow." A voice whispers.

Tomorrow is the twenty first.

My mother will have her plan in action on the fourth of August.

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