"Yeah, you're right"

"So what are you doing tonight?"

"I was going to out out with the guys"

"You still need to have your bacholorette party"

"We can have that a couple of days before the wedding...me and Zak discussed that"

"Oh, I'll start planning right now"

"Morgan don't make it big...it's going to be a little party...Let me say it again incase you missed it little"

"Alright, I've got it"

I looked at my phone '7:46pm'

"I've got to get going so I can be ready when Zak picks me up"

"Ok, I'll see you later" She said kissing my cheek

I then left her house and went home. When I got home I got ready and once 8 O'clock hit Zak was at my door

"Ready?" he asked as soon as I opened the door


We piled into his car and headed off to some club.


About 45 minutes later we arrived at the strip and finally found a parking spot.

"It's packed tonight, more that it usually is" I said holding Zak's hand

"I know...probably a whole bunch of tourists and birthdays"

We sat on the bench outside of the club waiting for Aaron and Nick

"You did tell them the time and place right?"

"Yeah, they should be here soon"

We waited for 15 minutes and they finally showed up.

"Hey guys" Nick said

"Hey Nick...Hey Aaron" I said hugging them

"Ready to party? It'll be your last one as a non-married couple" Aaron said

"I'm ready" I said

We all entered the building and we saw Billy Djing

"I didn't know he was doing this tonight" I said loudly

"We did" Zak said

"That means the whole crews here huh?"

"Exactly" Nick and Aaron said

We found a booth and Zak got our drinks and passed them out. The music died down and Billy picked up the microphone

"Everybody having a good time?"

The crowd went nuts

"I would like to inform you all that my buddies Zak and Candy, which are right over there, they are getting married next week...So let's give them some applause"

The crowd went nuts again with hollars, whistles, and claps. Billy started playing the music loud again. Me and Zak got up and danced to a few songs, then me and Nick, and last but not least me and Aaron. When me and Aaron were done dancing we sat down at the booth.

"You look like your wore out Candy" Zak said

"I am and I'm thirsty"

"I'll go get you something" he said and went to the bar

"I take it your having fun?" Nick asked

"Fun? I'm having a blast...I don't remember the last time that I've had so much fun"

"I bet I know" Aaron said smirking

"Aaron, that's not what I mean" I said smacking him playfully

he just laughed. About 5 minutes past and Zak still didn't come back so I got up

"Where ya goin' Candy?" Nick asked

"To find Zak, he should've been back by now"

I walked over to the bar and saw a line. I scanned through the line but didn't see him so I went to the other side of the bar and there was a shorter line and my breath caught in my throat

Is he really... I thought

There he was lip locked with his ex, Christine, and he had a few drinks in his hand. My eyes started to water from hurt and rage. The music died down again and I yelled


That's when the whole place went completely silent. They broke apart and Christine smirked at me and Zak started towards me but I backed away and went outside. A few seconds later Zak was next to me outside

"Candy, It's not what it looked like"

"Really? Could've fooled me"

"Will you let me explain?"

"Explain what? That you got caught by your fiance with your ex?"

"Candy it's not like that" he said, he was starting to get irritated

"You know for someone that says that there in love with me, you're sure not showing it now"


"Why would I want to here your excuses?"

he then lost it

"You know what Candy, think what you want to think, maybe I wouldn't be drinking so much if you wouldn't have miscarried, it's your fault!"

It felt like someone just stabbed me in my heart and was twisting the blade

"ZAK!" Nick and Aaron yelled angerly

"Why are you talking to her that way? It's NOT her fault" Nick asked crossing his arms and glaring at Zak

"You think it's my fault?" I said with a shaky voice and my eyes burning

"Candy I-"

"No Zak..." I then went to him

"Candy -"

"I don't want to hear it..." I grabbed the ring off my finger and shoved it in Zak's chest, "It's obvious that you don't love me and you still love Christine, so give her that and you two can live happily ever after"

"But Candy-"

"It's Candice to you, you've lost that right"

A cab pulled up

"Bye Aaron and Nick, I'll see you guys later" I got into the cab, told him the directions to my house and we took off.

When I got home I took the spare key from the flower pot, locked all windows and doors, disconnected the house phone, and shut off my cell phone. I knew that Zak would be here at any moment and I didn't want to see or him him. I went upstairs, kicked off my shoes and fell on the bed. As soon as I hit the bed headlights shined in my window and pretty soon I heard a knock on the front door

Keep knocking, I'm not answering I thought

"Candy please open the door" I heard him say desperately

That made my heartache but I stayed put. After 15 minutes of him beging he finally left and I cried uncontrolably until I fell asleep. 

This is MY Ghost AdventuresKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat