"Maybe Astoria is supposed to sit there." Hermione shrugged causing Draco's grin to falter.


"Well, actually Astoria is supposed to sit in between me and Theo." Blaise sighed as he took a cautious step backwards. "So that meant you have to sit between me and Draco."

"Thanks, buddy!" Draco smirked as he turned his attention back to Hermione. "Sit down, Mione, I don't bite!"

"Hard." Theo chuckled causing Ginny to start laughing.

Reluctantly, Hermione took her seat and the games begun. Astoria revealed the first game as Truth or Dare, which caused the brunette to sigh.

"I'll start." Astoria said before turning to Ginny. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" Ginny responded almost instantly.

"I dare you to kiss Draco, on the lips, for one whole minute!"

Without a response, Ginny leant forwards and smashed her lips into Draco's. Hermione could tell that they were trying to make her jealous, but it wasn't working.

Once the minute was up, Ginny turned to Blaise, whose smile instantly disappeared from his face.

"Truth." Blaise said confidently before Ginny had chance to ask him.

"Is it true that you actually watch Keeping up with the Kardashians?" Ginny grinned wickedly at the boy, who hesitated for a moment before replying.


After that, Blaise gave Theodore a dare, then Theo turned to Draco and smiled, causing Hermione to dread the next words to leave the chubby boy's mouth.

"Draco, I dare you..." Theodore began only to be silenced by the blonde boy.

"You didn't even give me an option!" Draco huffed, clearly trying to hide the fact he was enjoying it.

"I dare you to kiss little miss Granger."


"For as long as possible."

Hermione had heard enough, she simply stood up and headed towards the doors. She heard someone get up and follow her, but she was too annoyed to check who it was.

"Hermione?" The familiar voice of Draco Malfoy sounded from behind her. "Hermione where on earth are you going?"

"Back to the Common Room." The curly haired girl replied flatly, without turning round.

"No you're not."

"I think you'll find that I am."

As she reached out to open the door, Draco slammed it shut again, forcing Hermione to face him.

"Move." She huffed as she tried to push past him.

"What? Why?" The blonde boy asked.

"Because I said so."

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing, Draco, I'm just tired!"

"So am I, but I'm not acting like..."

"Like what?" Hermione crossed her arms over her chest.

"Like that!"

"Draco, will you just move!"


"Why do you have to make everything so complicated?"

"I don't!"

"Yes! Yes you do!"

"You know what, Granger?" Draco growled as he moved aside from the brunette.

"Don't start."

"Oh believe me! I don't want to!"

"Then don't!"

"Tough!" Draco yelled before pointing his index finger at the curly haired girl. "You asked for it, Granger, and now you're going to get it."

Before Hermione had chance to respond, Draco had smashed his lips into her's and wrapped his arms around her small waist. For a moment, Hermione froze in a state of shock, but after a couple of seconds she returned to her senses and began kissing him back.

After a minute or so, the two of them pulled away gasping for breath. There was a small amount of cooing coming from Blaise, Astoria and Ginny as Hermione began blushing. Draco smirked at the brunette girl standing in front of him as she steadied her breathing.

"Still tired, Granger?" The blonde boy questioned as he tucked a strand of her curly hair behind her left ear.

"Extremely." Was all she said as she pulled open the door and turned to face the others. "Night guys."

The door shut tightly behind her and Draco stared longingly at it, wishing she'd come back. It wasn't until Theodore spoke up that he snapped out of his train of thoughts.

"Draco, mate, you do realise that staring at the damn door won't bring her back in here?" The chubby boy chuckled as he stood up and yawned.

"Oh leave him be, Theo." Astoria sighed shaking her head gently.

"Thanks, Astoria." Draco said not entirely paying attention.

"He can't help it if he's in love."

The blonde boy snapped his head round to face the dark haired girl. "I think not!"

"Oh please! It's so clear, even a Mountain Troll would know before you did!" Ginny grinned causing Astoria to start laughing.

"It's not!" Draco protested. "I'm not in love with Hermione!"

"Oh sweet Merlin!" Blaise exclaimed jokingly as he placed his hand on his chest as though he was about to faint. "He's in denial!"

"I'm not in denial!" Draco groaned trying to find something to help his case.

"So if you're not in denial." Theodore questioned suddenly taking an interest in the conversation. "Then what is wrong with you? Because it certainly isn't the bleedin' lack of sleep."

"Of course it's not the lack of sleep, Theo!" Astoria scolded as she playfully slapped Theodore's arm.

"It's the lack of Hermione!" Ginny laughed, which instantly set everyone else off too.

"You can mock me know, my friends, but just you wait." Draco grinned as he opened the door. "I'll get you back. The lot of you!"

"How's that going to happen?" Theo asked with a small amount of humour evident. "No offence, mate, but by the time you get round to it we will all have graduated."

"You and Hermione will have been married." Blaise exclaimed his voice full of joy.

"Then you'll have had children." Ginny clapped her hands together in delight.

"Yes, three beautiful children." Astoria added with a hint of longing in her voice.

"But even then, you'll still not have found time to seek your revenge." Theodore concluded with a small grin of satisfaction.

"That's all very sweet, guys, really it is!" Draco chuckled. "But you just gave me all the information I needed."

"How so?" The two girls questioned in unison.

"Everything you just said, is what you want to happen in my life." Draco smirked wickedly.

"Yeah. So?" Blaise asked suddenly very curious.

"So I'll just see to it that all that stuff never happens." The blonde boy shrugged as he left the room, closing the door tight shut behind him and leaving the four of them stood there in confusion.

Eye to Eye: A Dramione FanficWhere stories live. Discover now