The Nightmare

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"Hello? Is anyone there" Katherine asks as she stares into the darkness that lays before her. She wondered where she was and what she's doing there? Was her mother here?

"Why am I here! Hello!" She starts to yell. Where was she? Where was her mother?

"Sweetie" she heard a faint voice behind her and immediately turned around.

"It can't be they said your dead" she stares with wide eyes that contain tears.

"I'm right here. I'm always here my child. There is something you need to see and know the life you know, its not the life you were meant to live. There are secrets that your father and I have been keeping a secret from you one you'll soon find out. I must go."

"Wait don't go," she screamed as her mothers figure vanished. "Don't leave me please I need you. I need answers!" She said as loud as she could manage.

"Hello little girl." terrified Katherine swung her hand behind her to hit whoever was the owner of the mysterious voice. The stranger grabbed her arm before it could even get half way near his face.

"What a lovely way to say hi to a relative of yours." She tried to wrap her head around what they stranger was saying but she couldn't bring herself together to believe him.

"What do you mean by relative?" she asked cautiously.

"Well what I'm saying is that I'm your uncle from your mothers side." Her mother didn't have any brothers did she? She had two sisters but she had only seen one of the so far.

"No your not, my mother only has two sisters. Your lying!"

"No child your mother has one sister and one brother, huh she called me her sister thats a step up from distant cousin" he joked around but Katherine wasn't buying it.

"Then what's my name?" she protested.

"Katherine Haze your birthday is november 18th you were born in 1998. anything else?"

"Whats my middle name?!" She knew she had him this time because no one knew it but her tia who had given it to her and her parents.

"Isabel. This is child's play." He scoffed

"How did you know that? No one knows that."

"Who do you think gave you your middle name honestly?" He must really be her tio theres no way anyone else would know that.

"What do you want if you are my tio why haven't you come to see me before?"

"Because you haven't needed me until now."

"What do you mean needed you?" "theres no time to waste we must go before they get here." He said looking around as if they were being followed.

"Whats going on." She said as she ran after him.

"Keep quiet and follow me." he said while he looked back and forth down the alley to see if someone was coming then headed down it. She reluctantly did as he said.

"Why didn't my mother ever tell me that I had a tio?" He stopped walking and looked into her eyes.

"There are certain things you haven't learned yet and things your mother should of told you long ago." Katherine just looked at him confused.

"Then why don't you tell me?" He walked in front of her and grabbed her arms.

"Because it's not my place."

"Whats not your place?" she asked curiously.

"I must go, I've said enough take care. Until me meet again" He kisses her forehead and vanishes into the darkness beyond.

"Wait! don't leave me here alone. I don't even know where I am!" she yelled after him but the only response she got was a can on the floor rolling as if it was kicked.

She turns around slowly hopping and praying that she was just scared and had thought she heard it. She was wrong there not but about 10 feet away from her was a man in a long black coat with a hat on which covered his face. She squinted her eyes to see if she could make out his face but all she say were his eyes. She stared into his black cold eyes in horror they seemed to bring the worst in her. As she stared into his eyes she say her biggest fears come alive as if they were real.

"Who are you?" she said with a shaky voice. Within seconds the stranger appeared in front of her.

"Are you Katherine Haze?" the stranger asked with a low yet terrifying voice.

"Yes why?" she responded as best she could without sounding completely scared out of her life. Immediately the stranger pulls out a sword out of his jacket and puts it straight through her stomach, she screams as loud as she can and falls to the floor. Next thing she knows is that she's sitting up next to Adrian on the be grabbing her stomach screaming. Adrian immediately gets up and grabs her.

"It felt so really I saw my mother and this guy who said he was my tio." She just cries into his shoulder.

"Your okay. Its was just a nightmare."

Hope your enjoy the book so far my lovers. If you have any suggestions comment. Make sure to check out my other book Sensation its a little more sexual and detailed so it's not for everyone

Thanks my lovers <3

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