
Laura's POV
I was walking through the hallway with my hoodie on and my head down when I suddenly find myself in the floor

"Oh my god are you okay im so sorry" The voice said while helping me up, it sounded like a guy

I nodded as I got up and brushed myself off

"Im Ross, Ross Lynch" He says while smiling at me

I purse my lips together, widen my eyes and nod as I look away. I don't really get where this guy is going

"Aren't you gonna tell me your name" He asked

I wrote down "Im Laura Marano" and pressed enter

He heard it and said "Ohhh Laura Marano the girl who doesn't talk?"

I nodded and typed "Congratulations you recognize me"

"You're not really liking me right now are you?" He asked knowing what was going on

I shook my head as I was about to walk away he grabbed my arm

"Please let me get to know you" He said looking at me with those brown eyes

Wow they're so cute and his smile its just- cut it out Laura. I yanked my arm off and walked away from him. I thought he was gonna leave me alone but his locker is right next to mine, I slammed my locker and tried to walk away from him but he needed up grabbing my waist. Great

"Listen I know you just met me but Im a really nice guy, trust me" He plead me

Ugh he is making this SO hard, I wish I had a sign that he IS a nice guy cuz I just met him

"Oh My God, Are you hanging out with Ross Lynch?" Some random girl asked me, I shook my head and typed "Not really he just came to me" "Really? Trust me girl he's just trying to get in your pants"

"Really, How'd you know?" I typed in my phone, she heard it

"Well I was-" She started talking but mister doofus was signaling her no and to shut up while shaking his head really fast.

"Anyway... I was his girlfriend and he just wanted me for sex so watch out girl" She said walking away, I look at him and he's giving me a cheesy smile

Well, there's my signal. The guy's a Man-Whore.


I was walking out of school with Courtney, I was sleeping over her house today since im free to do what ever I want😓

She was talking to me on how she met this great guy today and that they are very different which makes them so perfect for eachother, she would love for me to meet him but I wrote to her telling her about the Man- Whore I forgot his name. Huh? Oh well

We were about to go in her car but I saw that one of the Freshman was crying so I signaled Courtney to wait and went up to her, I eorte on my white board: Why are you crying? She read it while sobbing and said "My dad just left me to work in Europe and I have 5 years without swing my mom so now I have no guardian except I have to stay with my aunt ad her daughters are really mean to me" I hugged her tight I dont know what do in these types of situations sisnce i have no parents at all. All of the sudden a woman came in a car. When she saw her, her face lit up, she looked at me and hugged me, then after that she ran to her, hugging the woman which im guessing is her mother "MOM" She screamed in joy "SARAH, Oh honey how much I've missed you" She was carrying her since she was short and the woman was wearing high heels.

My mother was in New York for her job, I was only 12 and right now she was talking to me

"Oh Laurie you don't know how much I miss you and Vanessa" She said but she sounded pretty excited,

I just giggled "I miss you too Mom when are you coming back?"

"Oh don't worry honey soon I promise. Now I have to go, see you" She said and hung up

Wait 'See you' OH MY DAMN SHE MIGHT BE COMING. I heard a knock on the door, I got scared but then thought it was gonna be my mom I opened it and I was right it is my mom

"MOM" I shouted, ran up to er and hugged her

"LAUR"She yelled, carrying me and hugging back

I then heard stumbling in the stairs and it was Vanessa and Dad

"MOM" Vannesa shouted and ran up to her

"HONEY" Dad shouted and did the same

We was all in a group hug

A happy... happy family!

//End Of Flashback//

She put her down and asked her "Is this a friend of yours?" She pointed at me "No she was just helping me out with a problem" I walked up to them and waved "She's Laura Marano, the girl who doesn't talk" Sara said

I wrote on my white board "Nice to meet you, you have a lovely daughter"

"Why thank you" The women said politely

"Well, we have to roll you guys catch up. Bye Sara and Sara's mom" I wrote on my white board

"It's Sally and it was a pleasure meeting you" Sally said

"The pleasure is mine" I wrote, bend down to Sara and hug her. She hugs back and I wave Goodbye

I got in the car "Awe Laura is treating people politely" Courtney gushed

"Your politely getting on my nerves" I write giving her a fake smile

"Alright sheesh....You know you should wear lighter makeup" Courtney said starting her car

I shook my head really fast while taking my hoodie off

She gasped "Oh my god... I don't know why you don't show your hair is so beautiful"

I had ombré highlights and yea it was pretty but I'm really not familiar with the word 'Beautiful'


We was watching 50 Shades Of Grey a.k.a 2 hours of porn, I really don't understand how he just pushes we in a wall starts making out with her and boom sex. That is sooooooo amazing😒 Pure bullcrap... but I still love it so we're watching it!!

End if POV

(2 hours later)

Laura and Courtney were knocked out and sleeping on eachother


This was some crappy shit

Yeah Sorry guys a long ass chapter full of Crap. Oh whale whatever

QOTD:What is your middle name


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