When You Find Love, I Guess It's Really Beautiful

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There isn't much to be said about Harry's life before Louis. He was a privateer that lived each day to steal back the treasure in the name of a queen he never met, for a country that didn't own that treasure to begin with. He fought disgusting pirates and watched good men die for the sake of something as trivial as gold. He was good at what he did, but not once did he ever feel truly happy and satisfied. Who would be satisfied with a life like that?

But his life after meeting Louis? That was where he was meant to be. A new body, a new species entirely, and a new home that he felt like he had been in since birth, was exactly what he had been missing. Humans were boring and greedy, but the mer-people... they lived for wonder.

They still fought, but only to defend, and they were always kind and civil to each other. They kept the balance of sea life of the vast, never ending oceans, and while they could be strict sometimes, they didn't blindly hate anyone.

Harry found his wonder though. His wonder in the prince who didn't like to fight and snuck away from the castle and was loved by everyone. However, nobody would love him more than Harry, and soon everyone could be sure of that. The wedding was only a few short moments away.

His breathing was uneven and a bit stuttered as he looked at himself in the mirror, making sure everything was in its place. He was in his warrior armor, it was tradition, and for some reason it seemed heavier today. Harry chalked it up to nerves though, and finished looking over himself. The silver armor was shiny as it had just been cleaned and he adjusted the cuffs on his wrists just as a knock sounded on his door.

"Come in, unless it's Louis, in which case, go away it really is bad luck to see each other." Harry chimed, not looking away from the mirror.

"Nope, not Louis. Just Liam." the future king says as he opens the door an swims into the room. "It's almost time to start. You nervous?"

Harry snapped his head around to look at Liam, shaking it earnestly. "What? No! No I'm not nervous... it's just... kind of a big deal."

"Harry I understand. I was shaking before me and Danielle's wedding." Liam told him. He swam closer to Harry and helped him finish adjusting his armor. "But, when I saw her, I just couldn't stop smiling and all the worries just left. That's going to happen with you and Louis, just so you know."

Liam backed up and gave Harry an approving nod at his outfit. "How does he look Li?"

Liam looked at the door and smiled. "Beautiful Harry. And I've never seen him this happy, you make him really happy." He looked back at Harry and held up his hand for the boy to shake. "I don't think I've ever properly done this, or said it, but welcome to our family Harry. I-I'm happy Louis has you."

Harry shook the hand graciously, but quickly pulled Liam into a hug. "Thank you Liam, that means a lot."

Liam coughed and pushed Harry out of the hug after a few moments. "Erm, right well... You ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

~ ~ ~

The weddings in Atlantis were traditionally held in the ballroom of the Royal Palace, but that wasn't what Louis and Harry wanted. They wanted to honor both Louis' home and Harry's old one, as well as have Niall and Zayn be able to witness it. The King and Queen were hesitant about it at first, but eventually they gave in, because nobody could say no to sweet little Louis.

So, instead it was all set to be above the water, with King Triton officiating it. That was the only condition given by Louis' parents and the boys were quick to say yes. Zayn's ship was anchored with him and Niall on a smaller boat so they could be closer to the action. The guests and family members were all lined up along an aisle of seaweed, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

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