It's the Closest Thing We Have to Magic

Start from the beginning

And with that he knocked to handle of the dagger over Harry's head, knocking the boy out immediately.

~ ~ ~

When Harry woke up again, it was to the smell of blood mixed with the salty ocean air and a ringing in his head. He opened his eyes and found the bodies of his crew mates thrown around the deck of his wrecked ship, along with his hands tied behind him and his body tied to the center mast of the ship. He looked farther out to the horizon and saw Captain Alday and his crew sailing away, but not before they sent of single canon soaring into Harry's ship.

It rocked the boat and Harry knew there would be a huge hole filling with water just then. It was about now Harry started panicking, because he couldn't get his arms loose and that meant no escape. No escape from his sinking ship and the death that would surely be following. To make it even worse, the sun was going down and that would mean nighttime predators would be lurking. He was just thankful that the boat hadn't started sinking that fast yet, so maybe he would live out the night.

~ ~ ~

The next morning was met with relief because he still had all of his limbs intact. However, the cut on his neck was stinging from the salt water and he was pretty sure his hands were chaffing, not to mention he still had no hope of escaping this ship. The boat was still mostly out of water but Harry knew it was only a matter of time before more of the wood collapsed and he was sent to the bottom of the ocean.

After a few hours, Harry was starting to get hungry and his mouth had gone dry. But he knew that he would probably drown before dying of either of those. He was past the point of panicking and had started to enter into acceptance of his impending doom, when suddenly, he thought he saw a human figure swim by part of the ship.

"Hello? Is someone out there?" Harry tried to yell, but his voice was growing coarse.

He thought he heard some sort of gurgling noise, but it went away quickly. The figure passed by him on the other side of the boat and then splashed some water up. Harry scoffed and shook it out of his hair.

"What the fuck was that? If it's one of Alday's men, just kill me and get it over with." Harry groaned.

But then he saw him. A boy who couldn't have been much younger than him, floating in the water by the edge of the boat. His hair was light brown, but even this far away Harry could see it had tints of blue in it, his skin was tan, like he was always out in the sun, and he looked intrigued, curious.

"Who are you?" Harry asked, awestruck by this strange boy.

The boy opened his mouth and Harry could see it moving but the only sound to be heard was the gurgling from earlier. He swam a bit closer and held onto part of the boat that was only feet away from Harry. And now that Harry could see him better, he decided this boy was very pretty, beautiful even.

His facial features were delicate, soft, and his high cheekbones made him seem sort of girly. He had thin pink lips, the bottom of which was caught between his sharp teeth, and eyes that were bluer than the arctic sea. Harry's own green eyes widened at the sight, and he had to clear his throat in order to form words.

"Um, could you like, help me? I don't know if you can tell, but I'm sort of tied to a sinking ship." Harry laughed nervously.

The boy simply leaned his head to the side and gave Harry a confused look. Just then a large crash came from the other end of the ship and Harry watched helplessly as half of the ship fell into the sea and his end began to sink faster.

"Please! Please, I don't know why or how you are and I don't care but you have to help me!" Harry begged but the boy just backed away from the boat, afraid he might get hurt.

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