Week 3

17 3 2

"I emailed the ones who will be preforming this week their songs. We have Marissa, Luke and his group, Emma, Heather and Thomas, Val and Anz and last but not least Loren and JC." Mrs. Hudson says as she enters the room.

"So who goes first?" Emma (one of the new ones) asks.

"Well I think Marissa should go first if she's ready?" Everyone looked at Marissa.

"Yeah I'm ready." She says standing up. "So this isn't my usual sound, but I like the song and Mrs. Hudson thinks I'll be good with it. So here it goes." Marissa was uneasy on her feet as she began to sing


My disposition permeates
The room when I walk in the place
I'm sorry!
By calculation I'm way too much
Pretentiously I bitch a buck
But you bought it!
I can't exceed my reputation
A small town girl with compensation

Explorin' all my possibilities
Well don't you know I'll blaze a trail

But hell
You can come with me

What doesn't kill you

Only makes you blonder

My heels and my hotel

They just got taller

Somethin' bout platinum irrefutably

Looks as good on records

As it does on me

Historically real men prefer

The Marilyns with curls and curves

and I've got it!

Genetically or chemically

As long as it contains some bleach

I want it!

You don't need to be a fighter

Honey, just go one shade lighter

You'll acquire everything you want

When your roots grow out

And things go South

Hey, go back to the salon!

[All the girls]

What doesn't kill you

Only makes you blonder

My heels and my hotel

They just got taller

Somethin' bout platinum irrefutably

Looks as good on records as it does on me

Marissa looks at me and smiles


Hey! What doesn't kill you

Only makes you blonder

In fact, my heels and my hotel

They just got taller

Somethin' bout platinum irrefutably

Looks as good on records as it does on me

Somethin' bout platinum irrefutably

Looks as good on records as it does on me

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