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In my years of dating I've learned things. First thing is that when you let a guy know he has your trust he goes and breaks it. Two, when your boyfriend is gone for a few hours or most of the day and makes up the stupid excuse of he's busy he's probably lying. Third, all happy things come to an end. I know it sounds depressive but it's the truth.

Most guys at one point or another won't let you know by saying but physically that 1) they don't really like u 2) they're cheating or 3) that they're dating u because they feel bad otherwise known as the pity date.

My guy, Alec, today told me he was going to be at tae kwon do tonight and quit talking to me just as I was leaving to go to tae kwon do and had me set that he was going to be there and I got there and he wasn't there. I waited. Class started. He still wasn't there. My heart dropped and shattered on the floor. So all through class my heart hurt and thoughts were racing through my mind. I came home to check my phone if he'd said anything or even a simple apology but there was nothing. No text. No calls. No voicemails. No anything. I've cried my eyes out and I bet you he doesn't even care. If the douche texts me tomorrow I'm going to fuckin ignore his ass. If he calls I'll send it right to voicemail. Voicemails I won't even listen to. I'm done taking his bullshit and forgiving him right away. He thinks he misses me after five minutes of not seeing me. I'm going to show him what missing me really feels like! 👊🏻✊🏻

If he shows up at my house I'll just hold up my hand ✋🏻and say talk to the hand✋🏻 then I'll push him out the door and say Bye Felicia 👋🏻

If you have any problems girls and guys just pm me and I'll help u the best I can 😌

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