Chapter One

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Hey everyone, it's been forever. This story was originally written in 2013 when I was 18, and ended up getting over 200k reads, the sequel over 100k, and in 2018 I decided to rewrite them and place them on Amazon. It wasn't a popular decision but was best for me (: I wanted to put this chapter of the new version up for anyone who stumbles upon this book and I hope you like it.

"No matter where we are, I'm with you."


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Here's the book trailer below (:

And here's the rewritten chapter one

The streets of New York City overflowed with life. John's ears echoed with the sound of incessant honking, footsteps, and other bustling of the concrete jungle. His eyes were fixed on Radio City Music hall when his taxi stopped at a red light.

"John!" Alex called out, making him snap his head towards him, "I called you like 5 times, you good?"

"Ah, yeah man sorry. I was just thinking. What were you saying?"

The blonde grinned, "it's not important, what's got your mind wandering bro?"

He glanced back outside then back at his best friend, "I know I may sound crazy, but I wanna play at Radio City one day."

Alex was silent for a moment and slowly nodded, looking at the sky on the left side, "you don't sound crazy. It won't be easy, but I know you and the guys can do it. Just lemme get front row."

"You don't even have to ask." John smiled, running his hand through his dark brown hair, shifting in his seat, "thanks for the support man. Have you heard from them yet?"

Reaching in his back pocket, Alex took out his iPhone and checked his texts. "Yeah, they're at Red already, in line. They said it's super long and don't know if they can save us a spot."

"Do we even have to go to this club anyways?" John groaned, "none of us even drink or whatever, remind me why we're going? Can't we just get pizza and chill or go to the movies?" His questions made his friend laugh and even the taxi driver chuckled too.

"You sound like a grandma," Alex told him, "you know we don't have to drink to have fun there, there's music and we can just leave if it's super bad. Plus, it's cheap to get in since its opening weekend and we'll go out for pizza after." He heard John mumble something under his breath and lean back further into the leather seats. Alex smiled to himself and looked back out the window, keeping his eyes above the noise.

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