Chapter 8

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Today, the kids go back home with cyn, I can tell they've been missing their mama, they've opened up to me a little more I guess, but at least their talking.

E:you guys ready?

Kids: yes mommy

They came running downstairs.

E: come on... wait did yall get the stuff we got yesterday?

Kids:yes mommy

E: okay, grab any last minute things

They went and got snacks . I can't blame them tho, they won't be back here for another month. Yesterday I took them shopping and I got cyn a tennis bracelet and a ankle bracelet.

Just to be nice. We finished and left on our way to cyns house.

L:mommy we had fun with you this time.

E: this time?

K: yeah, we was just in our own space, we wasn't with shad. And we wanted to say thanks for yesterday.

E:well you guys are welcome, y'all know I try to make y'all happy.

L: we know mommy.

K: and we are happy. We probably would be more happy if you and mama were together

E:mommy knows babies, mommy knows...... Well, we're here.

They got out, I got DJ and his stuff and they got the twins and their stuff then we walked to the door and knocked.

C: who is it.

E: us

She opened the door looking so happy. They all hugged her then ran in the house. I could tell something was up with cyn. And it looked like she had a bruise on her cheek, but I don't wanna assume anything.

C: You can come in.

E: thanks.

I walked in and sat on the couch while she put DJs stuff up. After that she sat down on the couch across from me.

E:im really glad you invited me in cause we need to talk.

C: oh lord, what do we need to talk about?


C:Erica don't start.

E: I'm not starting nothing. I just wanna talk.

C: okay. Talk.

E:soo... *looking around the room then dead at cyn* does he treat you right?

C:yes, but he treats me better than right.

E:*nodding her head* okay.... So he has my kids calling him daddy?

C: they call him that when they want something but I tell them not too.

E:okay. So he cheated on you and you took him back?

C: first of all, yes he did and yes I did and second of all, it's none of your business.

E: how is it not my business? Your my baby mama, and what he does, affects our kids!

C:lower your tone when you talk to me Mena *pointing at Erica* he only cheated once... What's the big problem?

E: when I cheated you left me!

C: that's because after you cheated the FIRST time, you we're a bitch about it! *tearing up* and you said you wouldn't do it again....*crying* but you did, in OUR bed Erica.

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