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It's Peter

What is he doing here? I thought he was still in California? Not on a plane to Chicago. Then I realize what he has been doing the whole time.

He has been stalking me.

"Tobias what are we going to do?" I whisper. Tobias just stares at Peter in shock. "I don't know."

I get up from my seat and I walk over to the flight attendant. I Tell her about Peter. "We will keep an eye on him." She says.

"Thank You." I say. I walk back over to my seat. Tobias rubs my back to clam me.

Then I see Peter walking towards me. Then I see him finally spot me. "Hey Tris."

"Please leave Peter." I say. He just laughs at me. "How about we meet somewhere?"

"Peter leave now." Says Tobias. Peter shrugs his shoulders and walks over to his seat.

I automatically start to shake. Tobias holds my hand. But I don't know what he's going to do.

But I know he's going to hurt me.

We finally reach Tobias's apartment. He shuts the door behind me and I hop onto the couch.

"I'm going to wash our clothes I'll be back." Says Tobias. I nod and I turn on the TV.

I see lighting flash through the window and I hear rain hitting the rooftop of the building. I walk into the kitchen to prepare dinner for us.

I open the fridge, and I pick out a stove pizza to heat up. I take the frozen pizza out of the box and I preheat the oven.

Tobias walks back into the living room. I sit back down onto the couch. Tobias sits down next to me and he puts his arm around me.

"You alright?" He asks. I nod at him. "Yeah of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

He shrugs his shoulders at me. "I don't know you seem upset. Is it about Peter?" Is it about Peter? No it's just not him.

I burry my face in my hands. "No it's just not him, it's everything." I sigh. Tobias rubs my back to clam me.

"Look, I know it's hard know but soon you will eventually get through this." I nod at him. "Yeah your right."

I hear the stove beep. "Whoops I forgot I gotta put the pizza in the oven." I say. I get up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen. Tobias just laughs at me.

"Of course you would."

After dinner. I wasn't feeling so well. Of course Mother Nature has to come in play.

Those girl problems

I lay down on the couch and Tobias insisted that he clean the dishes since I made dinner.

But I'm having really bad cramps. Tobias notices that I'm hurting and he walks over to end. "What's wrong?"

"I'm alright Tobias it's just-"

"Just what?"

"Girl problems."

"You know Tris I may be a guy but you can tell me anything."

"I have my period Tobias and I have bad cramps." He just stares at me. "Oh." Then he sits down next to me

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Says Tobias. "Do you have any Advil or a pain killer?" I ask.

"Yeah, one sec." He gets up from the couch and walks into the kitchen opening up a cabinet. I see him grab a bottle and walk back over to me.

He dumps two pills into the palm of his hands and hands them to me. "Take these, it should help."

He hands me a bottle of water and I swallow the pills.

Curse Mother Nature.

I walk back upstairs, from getting the mail. Once I reach my hallway I see Christina walking out of her apartment.

She just gives me an awful look. I need to talk to her, I have too.

So I do.

I walk up to her. "Christina." I say. But she just looks the other way trying to not look at me. "It almost has been a month Christina, will ever you talk to me again?"

"No." She says. I bite my lip from not letting the tears fall. "Look I'm sorry, what else will I have to do for you to forgive me."

"Like I said before, nothing will." She says. Then the tears flood my eyes. "Please." I cry.

"Get the hell away from me, do not talk to me again!" She yells. And with that she walks away.

Face it she will never forgive me.

Tobias rubs my shoulder. I'm cuddled up next to him. He knows I'm upset but I didn't tell him why. "Tris, baby you haven't said anything to why your upset."

I just shake my head. I don't want to tell him what happened. It doesn't even matter. "Tris please tell me."

I just burry my face in his shoulder and he rubs my back. "I talked to Christina, but she is never going to forgive me she hates me so much."

"Tris, it's just for right now, it's going to take awhile till she is going to get over this." He says. I don't know, I mean she seems still upset.

I mean her boyfriend is killed. All because of me. But the thing is, if it was the other way around she wouldn't be mad at will.

But she's mad at me? I just don't get it.

"I don't know Tobias, she still seems so upset." Tobias pulls me into his lap. And he cups my face.

"Your Tris Prior, and she's your best friend she can't stay mad at you forever because your a wonderful person."

"And I promise she won't, she just needs some time and I will get you through every moment with this. You can fix this and soon everything will be alright. I promise."

I smile. Tobias is right, he knows what he's talking about. It's hard to deal with death and it's going to take a very long time.

"I love you." I say

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Again sorry for the long wait I have still a writers block. This is more like a filler chapter.


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