I quickly pointed my wand at the minister and murmured “Obliviate”.

Fudge’s eyes glazed over and he called, “Let’s keep going shall we?”

There came a harsh laugh echoing from the end cell which had a number of dementors standing guard out front. I walked cautiously over and pressed my face against the bars of the prison cell.

Azkaban had hallowed Bellatrix’s once handsome features so now they were pulled tighter against the bone and she was extremely pale.

“You came!” She spoke as though I was god and came forwards pulling her off the rags they called beds. It was only when she drew closer I realized she wasn’t speaking to me but to marcal who had been standing behind me. Bella fell to her knees at his feet and said, “You are truly his son!”

She stood and wrapped her arms around my brother’s now stiff body. I cleared my throat loudly after about five minutes but she ignored me.

“Marcal, if you’re done making out with strangers we have to visit our mother!” I called angrily. She looked over at me disdainfully and I felt a stab of hurt in my chest.

“Do you know who I am?” she asked proudly. Jeesh she sure had ego for a woman.

I pretended to look her over and then said, “Should I?”

Bella let out a snort of disgust and turned to Narcissa. “What have you been teaching her?” she half asked, half shrieked.

“They’ve been teaching me about stranger danger,” I replied.

Yeah I have no respect for authority especially for up themselves pureblood mothers. I do respect Narcissa though; anyone who can support a head with that much make-up on deserves my respect.

“How Dare you! You are a disgrace to my bloodline and that of your father’s you filthy blood traitor!” she screamed at me, and the word stung as though she had use a whip.

My family was my best friends and I take being told I don’t belong in it really hard.

In two steps I had crossed the distance between us and I pushed my wand to her throat and said dangerously, “How dare YOU! I am the one who could kill you without a second’s hesitation. You are the disgrace to challenge me!”

With tears of fury in my eyes I turned on my heel and took off down through the prison passing the minister who thankful had stayed out of earshot to give us privacy.

After running to exhaustion I finally stopped and collapsed onto a wall and fell to the floor breathing loudly. The dementors started to swoop in but I raised my wand and yelled a feeble “Expecto Patronum!” and was surprised to see I had actually managed to produce my dragon with such a pathetic attempt.

My pearly white dragon was smaller than a regular one and was pacing near my feet keeping the dementors away I heard a few gasps from the surrounding cells as light and warmth flooded the corridor. I needed to get my mind off things so I pulled a crossword I had been doing while watching Lucy suck up to Fudge from my robes.

“6 across is Kneazle,” said a voice from behind me making me jump about a foot. In the grimy cell next to me a man with shaggy long black hair.

“Sorry,” he apologized sheepishly making me grin.

“Thanks.” I smiled, filling in the squares.

The man looked at me in disbelief “You’re not scared?” he asked and I shook my head.

“But don’t you know who I am?”

“You’re a wrongly accused murderer!” I said, smiling at how amazed he was. He cocked his head question and I explained, “That’s what most people in here are anyway. And I know you’re Sirius Black!”

         Sirius’ POV

 “And you believe me that I’m innocent? How?” I ask amazed by the girl’s confidence.

“My whole family are death eaters,” She replied and I understood. I wondered whose child she was as I couldn’t place her looks to any Deatheaters I knew and I knew just about every Deatheaters there was.

“Why are you in Azkaban alone?” I asked. “It’s not really a five star resort!”

She turned and looked sadly at me “What’s with the twenty questions?” she said, dodging the question. The girl sighed then poured her heart out to me.

 By the time she was finished stating her problems she was fast asleep. Strangely her patronus didn’t fade but simply lay down and closed its eyes too.

Voices started calling through the semidarkness and another light appeared at the end of the corridor and there were hurried footsteps as they bent to pick up Rhya.

“What did you do black?” the minister asked in dibelief to me.

I replied lazily, “Don’t worry, Fudge, she’s just sleeping.”

The Blonde man and Dark haired boy carrying Rhya bride style were about to leave when I stopped them. “May I have the newspaper please, I’ve missed the crossword?”

The boy handed me the crossword and they walked away. Rhya’s dragon finally fading into the darkness

I looked at the limp girl’s distant shadow and I had to admit, for a death eater’s child she was blessed with a powerful light.

Yes! i wrote all of that in one sitting! I am proud!

Anyway, i have included my birthday wish list:

~ A kindle

~ a snake ring (look them up on google images they're awesome)

~ to have finished The Riddle Twins

~ To have over 2000 reads

~ To have 25 or more fans

~ to have gotten all my stories on watt's hot list (check)

~ To get 28 votes on this chapter

~ get a comment from someone other than Creater, DeathEaters-r-us or lizzielizzie

~ to make under 100 on whats hot                             

~to make a better checklist

I have 3 weeks from today to check off everything on this list so help me out guys!

Anywho Comment, Vote, Fan!


(Ahaha, I never actually completed any of those 25 fans. But now I have 125 in time for the next birthday. And I've already completed the checklist :)

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