Ⅱ. Brooding Over The Past

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The weather was chilly and gray clouds were slowly filling up the sky, making the weather gloomier.

"Looks like another shower is coming". I muttered to myself. Pulling my sweater tightly around myself, I increased my pace. I did not wish to enter the school, soaked to my bones.

I didn't know many people in the locality as we had shifted to Dehra few months ago. From my childhood I dreamt residing on the hills and now that I am finally able to live here, I am pretty satisfied. The reason behind shifting was my job, not that I didn't get job in my hometown, which was Ahemdabad but later we shifted to Delhi. I opted to join here.

When I applied here and was called for interview and was finally selected I didn't look back.

My parents too did not object. Luckily, I found a house for rent. While I was thinking about all this, my phone rang breaking my reverie.

I fished out the phone from my bag. It was mom. "What?" I asked. "Will you come home early today?" She inquired. I remained silent. I knew what she was planning. Another proposal might have come from Malti aunty. Yeah it seemed this lady who was mum's childhood friend had taken up the job to find a suitable groom for me. I cursed her(though we are taught not to curse anyone but I couldn't resist). "No." I finally replied and without waiting for her reply ended the call and shoved the gadget back in bag.

I was irritated.When will my mom understand? I thought. I too had a life, that getting raped by a relative was not my fault, that I too wanted to study further, see the world. I so wished that there was a delete button in real life so that I could delete some events of my life. A tear spilled from my eye.

I know she won't say this truth to the guy who would talk to me on skype(yeah, my mom and her friend found this method useful). But I was just not willing to enter a relationship by concealing my past.

Though I read romantic books but I believed that in real world there are few guys who can accept a girl who has been exploited by someone else.

I remembered how Akash, my ex-lover or it would be more apt to say my so-called ex-lover had reacted when after dating for 8 months he had proposed me and I had finally confided in himvand how he had stopped speaking to me after that day. One doesn't need to insult you to get rid of you, there are other ways and that was another way. I remember how I had cried for days. From then I had stopped believing that true love in real world existed.

My eyes became moist again at the thought. I felt like pitying myself. "Aruna, no self-pitying". I chided myself in my mind for becoming weak. "You are not a weak-willed woman". I tried to be resolute. I then realized I had arrived to school.

I entered the class room after mustering up a smile but when I saw the bright faces that awaited for me in the class I realized that marriage is not what is on my cards right now, that there are many other things which gave me happiness.

I decided not to brood over the past. I will look forward. I will try to learn from my experiences.


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Asmita 💜

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