"Small Things Have the Biggest Impact."

Start from the beginning

You took deep breaths, calming yourself as you tried to go to sleep, only to have Harry enter your shared bedroom a few minutes later.

"Get out Harry." You demanded and he chuckled.

"I came in for my clothes." He said and you just knew that he wanted another argument, his amusement was fading and if he didn't anger you soon, he would end up missing you and he didn't want to do that because he was stubborn. He wanted you to apologise first.

"Okay." You said, not letting him get to you as you closed your eyes, ignoring him.

The light was turned on and you winced before relaxing and closing your eyes again, determined not to show him any amusement.

He turned the light off and you waited for him to leave before you felt something hit against your face.

Opening your eyes, you noticed that it was Harry's shirt and you threw it right back at him as he stood noticeably closer to your side of the bed.

"Aren't you going to tell me how childish that was?" He asked, a giggle escaping his lips.

Harry was harmless and you knew he was trying to wind you up, not upset you, so you continued to relax.

"No, I'm too tired to play games with you, now please leave." You said, calmly.

He stayed quiet for a minute, before you heard giggles coming from him and you opened your eyes to see him stood in front of you.

"So if your too tired to play games, then your too tired to tell me to get out, am I right?" He asked cheekily.

"No, go away." You said, firmly but he only shook his head, heading around the bed and to his side, only to let out a shriek.

You looked up, noticing he wasn't there anymore, however, you could hear him groaning, so you climbing over the bed, finding him sitting on the floor, holding his foot.

"What happened?" You asked, concerned and he continued to yelp in pain.

"Ouch, I hurt my foot, I banged it against the bed." He whined and you got back up onto the bed, still annoyed with him despite your concern.

"Y/N, please, it really hurts." He pleaded and you got back under the covers and into bed.

"It's your fault because if you hadn't have started up childish arguments, you would already be in bed right now and you wouldn't have had to mess about to get here." You said.

"Does that mean I can come back to bed?" He asked, hopeful as he stood up.

"Yes, now get in bed." You told him as he got up, climbing onto the bed with you.

He shuffled closer to you, almost sitting on top of you as he did.

"Could you get any closer?" You muttered, sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I've missed you." He said, shuffling into bed with you as he laid down next to you, both of you turned onto your sides facing each other.

"So you've had enough of childishly arguing with me, then? Have you decided to stop being stubborn?" You question, teasingly.

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