Night Job

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I knocked on the door of Hanji's apartment, it was soon opened by a really, really, really fucked up shitty glasses.

"Oh... Levi, welcome..." she said as she struggled to look at me "I'm done with the interview" I said as I handed her the paper with Eren's answers, she slipped her glasses on then looked at me.

"What about the last question?" She asked "He didn't answer" "Eh... too bad, everyone wanted to know... Well thanks for the help, you have work later?" She asked

"Obviously" "Well... don't tire yourself out, you might get sick like me" she smiled before closing the door. I went back to my car and drove to "Little Maria" a night club owned by Erwin, my other boss.

"Well aren't you early today" Erwin said "Just finished an interview, I thought I might get a salary raise if I clocked in earlier" I smirked "Well I'm glad you're here, you can help set up the bar while we set up the tables and chairs" Erwin said

"Roger that" I rolled up my sleeves and went to work, I started by washing the remaining glasses and plates, Oluo must have half assed this again. Then I wiped the counter down, I took out fresh bottles of different kinds of beverages, I even cleaned the tables.

"Woah, this place is cleaned up nicely" Erwin said as he ran a finger on the counter, I slapped his hand "Yes it's clean, don't go spreading your germs over it" I said "Aw come on Levi, I was praising you" he said as he aggressively patted my head.

"Knock it off!" I pushed him away and he walked away laughing. That bastard.

The bar opens at 6pm sharp, and we already have a bunch of stinky teenagers and adults waiting outside. And as soon as the doors opened, the music blared and everyone entered.

I stood by the counter, watching people dance and have a good time, I only moved when someone ordered for a drink or a snack.

Oluo clocked in 30 minutes after opening, I slapped him with a towel "You are late" I said "Sorry Levi! I got caught up with traffic" he said "Excuses, Not only were you late, you even ditched last night's dishes"

"I'm really sorry! I'll make it up to you" he said and I simply slapped him with a towel. The music changed to match a slow dance for the young couples, a few of them sat down, while the said couples danced and cuddled on the dancefloor.

Those who sat down were either laughing with their friends or making out with their boyfriend or girlfriend. The rest went to the bar and ordered for a couple of martinis and whiskey shots.

A woman approached me, she had a glass on hand and from the looks of it, she's drunk. "Are you okay miss?" "I'm fiiineee!!" She answered in a loud tone, she reeks of alcohol and perfume.

"You should lay off the alcohol for a while" I said and she drank her glass dry before slamming the cup on the counter, not hard enough to break it.

"Shut up! You sound like my boyfriend! Always telling me what to do!" She yelled between sobs. Jesus, why the fuck are you even crying?

"Can I get a glass of water please?" A girl waved and Oluo went to get her some water. Leaving me to deal with this drunkard.

"Please Miss, you'll disturb the guests" I said again, she looked up at me, her face was red with anger. "Why the fuck do you care?! So what if they're disturbed?! What about me?! I never get any respect!"

I'm sure no one will after saying that I thought to myself.

"You really look like my boyfriend, maybe you are my boyfriend! Why did you have to leave me?!" She cried at me, She is so fucked right now, it had only been an hour before we opened and she's already this drunk!?

"Hey... Kiss me" she said as she climbed over the counter and grabbed my collar, I pushed her away but she pushed herself to me and I fell back down, she was on top of me, I pushed her face away from me.

"Get off me bitch!" I yelled "No! Kiss me baby!" She said, and made disgusting kissing sounds. Suddenly someone grabbed her and pushed her aside.

"Hey what the hell?!" She screamed, and a hand landed on her face "He said get off" he said in a dark, and demanding tone.

The girl shivered and ran away, the guests were looking at us, at Eren. "Why are you here?" I glared at him "It doesn't matter, come with me" he said and grabbed my hand with icy fingers.

"Hey!" I yelled at him but he only gripped my hand tighter and pulled me outside "Levi?!" Oluo ran towards us but Eren shot him a glare "fuck off" he said, Oluo looked at me with a sorry look. Can't blame him. He ran to call Erwin.

"Let go of me! You fucking homo!" I demanded and my hand slipped from his and I ran away from him, and before I could cross the street, he grabbed my hand again before a truck drove straight at me.

That was the worst 5 seconds of near death experience I will ever have and I hope it never happens again. Ever.

He had his arm over my head, and the other at my waist, holding me closer to him. I didn't move, and he slowly removed his arm around my neck but kept the other at my waist.

He looked at me, his green eyes shining in the dark as cars passed by with their light illuminating his eyes. I couldn't help but stare at them.

"No eye contact" he smirked "You're the one staring" I said and my hand gripped his arm. He looked down, and I followed his gaze, only to realize he was looking at my lips. His eyes were locked on them.

And my eyes were locked on his. He wants to kiss me, I can see the want in his eyes, the way his thumb brushed my lower lip, his hold on my waist was tight. There was no escape.

"If you want to do it, then do it" I said and he looked at me, shocked by what I said "But... you aren't gay" he said "If you know that then stop looking at me like that" I said and pushed him away.

He's just a brat, a kid. We can't be together, what a scandal this will be. And most importantly, he's a guy. A really important one in the business.

"I was nice to play along your rules on the interview, but Eren, you should steer clear from me... I'm not the one for you" I said coldly

And there it was, the mortified look of a bachelor billionaire named Eren Jaeger.

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