Gone. - Chapter 3.

Start from the beginning

The whole dining room looked just like a school cafeteria which made me sad. I missed my school and my friends.

I went to the queue which I supposed was a waiting line to get breakfast. When it was my turn I grabbed a plate and held it up to the girl who was serving the food. She looked tired, like she hadn't slept in days. She put a slice of bread, an apple and a glass of milk on it.

I turned round, my eyes searching for an empty chair and I finally found one.

I stumbled towards the chair which was next to a girl who was talking to the other two girls around that table. They were laughing. As soon as I sat down they stopped talking and looked at me.

"I'm Chlo- I mean I'm Ten," I'll probably never get used to this whole number thing.

The girl who was facing me said, "And what makes you think you can sit with us, Ten?" She made the word ten sound like it was some disease that you'll catch when you say it out loud. She looked at me with disgust.

"I-I didn't, I just-" I stuttered and suddenly the girl behind me spoke up, "She doesn't even want to sit with your pitiful asses, do you?" She looked at me but I couldn't get a word out. "Oh shut up, Five!" The girl sitting next to me said.

Five tapped my shoulder, "come sit with me," she pointed at a chair next to hers.

I quickly stood up and sat next to her.

"Thank you," I said, relieved that I hadn't had to deal with these girls alone. Well I didn't really deal with them, I got barely two words out.

"No problem! I assume you're the new one?" 

"Is it that obvious?" 

"Just a little bit," she laughed. She was almost as beautiful as Four. I really liked her brown, wavy hair. It looked gorgeous with her emerald green eyes.

"You now know my name but I don't know yours!" She smiled at me. 

"I'm Ten." I replied shyly, not sure of how she was going to react since that other girl wasn't too happy about me being Ten. I need to know what these numbers mean, I can't wait until it's finally 10PM.

"Well, nice to meet you, Ten," she hold her hand up to shake mine. We shook hands and laughed.

"Ladies, Ladies, it's time for you to go back to your rooms," Matthew's voice was heard and everyone started to go back to their chambers.

"Until next time!" Five winked at me and left me sitting alone.

I got up and was walking towards the door when suddenly something hard hit my leg and I fell over. Those girls from earlier were standing next to me, laughing. "You better watch where you're going," the blonde one, the same one who I spoke to earlier, said. Then she left with the others, still laughing at me.

I didn't understand what I had done for them to treat me like this. My shin hurt a lot, I struggled to stand up but after a few attempts I made it.

After a few minutes I arrived at my so-called room. It looks more like a jail cell than a room to live in.

Since there was no clock in my chamber, I had no idea what time it was. I didn't know what I was going to do all day.

I was feeling tired so I decided to take a nap.

"Wake up, love! It's already 7.15AM and you wanted to take a shower before school,"

"Five more minutes," I begged, without even opening my eyes. I was too tired for school.

"Chloe I'm serious!" My mom took my blanket away.

"Urgh, fine. I'll be downstairs in five," When I opened my eyes, I saw a satisfied smile on mom's face before she left my room. I slowly got up but as soon as I looked at the clock and realised that it was already 7.30PM I rushed downstairs to eat breakfast. No more showering, I thought to myself.

My mother was standing in the kitchen. She had made breakfast for me, even if it was only cornflakes and juice I was still thankful.

"Thanks," I pecked my mom's cheek before sitting down and taking a sip from my orange juice. After about 4 minutes, I had finished my cornflakes and drunk my juice. I ran upstairs to grab my bag.

"I'm leaving for work now, Chloe! See you tonight! I might be late though because of overtime" I heard her leave and the door close.

After I had found my bag, I went downstairs and left for school.

"Ten! Get your lazy ass up!" Jack's voice woke me up.

I frowned when I realised that I wasn't home and that mom hadn't just woken me up for school. It was all just a dream. Not really a dream but a memory. It was the morning of the day I was kidnapped.

"It's 1.30PM, how are you sleeping?" "I was really tired and since I didn't know-" "I don't really care, sorry for asking," he motioned for me to follow him and I did, not knowing where he was taking me.

Hii y'all!! How are you?!

I'm back from vacation ! Hope you're as excited as I am for what's coming next! I can't wait to see what y'all think!

So please vote, SHARE, and leave me feedback! It really means a lot to me!

- zjmftsugg xx

(Come say hello!x)

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