The Tragedy of Love Triangles

Start from the beginning

And that really hit me hard. I wasn't going to make this guy stop being a jerk to me by always running right back to him. But that's just what these MCs do. They catch the bad boy cheating and they go right back. They let him treat them like they're kids. They're assholes and I don't like it. At all.

Am I saying that the childhood best friend should win? No. Because that's just as bad, because let's be honest, she treats him like shit the whole time. He deserves better than to be second best. He deserves better than to let that female MC walk all over him.

For once, I want a love triangle to end in everyone learning to love themselves. That would be great.

3. There is not enough dilemma or urgency.

You guys know that I'm pretty open about my short comings. I'm not ever going to pretend to you guys that I haven't been a bitch or a brat. All teenagers are, so I've definitely been there and done that. Hell, I'm still a brat.

That's why I feel it necessary to say this: these MCs have absolutely no emotional struggles with bouncing between two guys. The worst I've seen in a love triangle was a quick explanation of how hard the girl had it because she was so in love with both.

But come on. I would send all day with one guy and all night with the other and to say that I was cheating on either would be a gross misrepresentation of our relationships, but I still felt bad. I felt horrible. It was like having a double life, because I didn't talk about one when I was with the other. It's was physically and emotionally draining. And those weren't even really physical relationships.

I can't imagine if I'd been sleeping with both, but I think that would be something really new and really interesting to explore. I always say sex doesn't have to be a conflict, but having a connection to both and a loyalty to neither would be exhausting.

For once, I want the female MC to put aside her desires for both and really assess what she's doing. If you can't pick between two people, let them both go. Because if you can't give someone your whole heart, nothing good is going to come of it. I wanna see this dilemma. I want the MC to stop continuing both relationships just for her own amusement. It's honestly just for her benefit, because nothing good comes from dragging people on a string.

Can we please have an MC actually feel remorseful for using people? Or at least own up to what she's doing. They're always innocent. They're always the victim. I hate that.

Honestly, acting that way changes you. Being with two totally different people (as we've discussed already that these love interests are) means that at some point, some part of your personality becomes an act.

When you start compromising who you are for other people it starts to get scary. That's the point when you need to step back, assess who you've become, think about who you want to be, and figure out how to get there. I'd like to see a character actually do that.

4. POV is important and should be played with more.

It's always told from the girl who is being fought over by two guys. I guess that's every teenage girl's dream now? I can't remember being so boy crazy as a teenager, but I must have been. Either way, a girl can have other aspirations than being the rope in a childish game of tug-of-war.

But I want the story to be narrated by one of the love interests. How does it feel to have competition? And as cheesy as it sounds, how do you step back and ask yourself which of you is better for the person you claim to truly care about. Because in the end, shouldn't you just care about what's best for them?

And how do you handle knowing that the person that you care about, and must have some feelings for you, also has a special relationship with someone else. That has to suck. So bad. I think there is just so much more emotion you could explore.

At some point you have to make comparisons. And we all know that comparing yourself to someone else is one of the quickest ways to self-destruct. Someone please explore that.

But what happens at the point where you become "the other woman". I'm not sure I've ever really been there, but can you imagine how it must feel to love someone who loves someone else. To always be the second choice? To always be the rebound?

If you have or decide to write a story from the point of view of a love interest instead of the target, please tell me. Please leave the link in the comments. I want to read that badly (and I'm looking to get back into reading more here on Wattpad, so seriously do it). (Unfortunately I'm not talking about being in love with the womanizer boy that all the girls want to be with. I'm talking about a legitimate one love interest with another option).

I want to read that. Someone please do it. I want that side of the story. I want those emotions. I want that desperation and that ambition. I want something new.

And that's all I'm going to say. I'm gonna go relax now. And I'll be patiently waiting for someone to write a lovely story. Or for someone to tell me their thoughts on love triangles. That's equally important.

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