Welcome little ass Kicker

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Hi my name's Cherokee this is my life before it all went south. Well way south when the dead started to walk again. I'm starting when I was one. I didn't know much about my mom. Only that she was alow down Bitch that raised me to my first birthday. Anyways here's my story.

(Daryl's P.O.V.)

I groaned after a hard day work. This days a living hell. Fuck it couldn't get worse. Maybe with little pay I have I can pay for a beer. The bastered won't pay me more. Fuck him I growled under my breathe. As I dug for my keys. I grabed the door and opened it the door made a loud pop. A baby screaming feild the car. I stared shook in the front sit was a basket with a small bundled up baby with a note.

Hi Daryl remember me a year ago you came in with your brother. My name's Hannah but it doesn't matter anymore. This thing is yours. I've had it for a year and it's a pain in my ass. It doesn't have a name birthday. So have fun you oh and fuck you.

I scratch the back of my head. Hannah doesn't ring a bell shit. I stared down at the baby. Its checks where red and its shirt was soaked in sweat. I gentle took the blanket off of her. What the hell do I do with a baby. She stared up at me and started to cry. Shit what the hell do I do. Megan a girl that works office walked over surprised.

"I didn't know you had a kid Daryl." She stated. I hated this bitch.

"I don't well I didn't." I said scratching my head. She moved over and picked the crying child up. I watched her as she cradled it.

"Do you know if its a boy or girl?" She asked. I was lost in thought I had to snap myself out of it. "What ever it is it's burning up. You should take her to the doctors. Maybe they can even give you more info on the baby."

"Yeah sure." I muttered as she put the child back. I hate fucking doctors but hell the baby need it then fine. I picked the basket and placed it next to me as I climbed in. I drove to an hospital near by. I growled as I pulled up three cops were at the door. I looked down at my phone. Merle called five time. I throw my phone on the back. "Okay little ass kicker lets get this over." I growled opening the door. The baby looked up and smiled giggling. The cops gives me a weird stare. They probably knew my brother hell what pig doesn't. I can't keep the child. No fucking way Merle would let it. You know what fuck him my desion.

They better not dare come near me or my...kid. What the hell am I going to call it. They followed after me. I walk into to the front desk.

"Um my I help you sir?" The girl behind the desk asked. When the crying from the basket drew her attion. She reached in and pulled the crying child.

"Someone left her in my truck. Some one said I needed to bring... . the baby here." I stuttered and she looked other shooked about what I was saying. She then turned to the child smiling. She motioned to the cops. My anger boiled stupid pigs.

"Don't worry we will take it from here." She said perky. "Tha-

"No hold on one fucking second. The note I got said I was the baby's dad. I just want to make sure the baby's fine. " I growled. Her eyes widen at my sudden anger. A cop put his hand on my shoulder.

"Sir hold your anger she's tr- Oh great we got a Dixon at least it's Daryl. Now what seems to being be the problem?" He asked the other followed his lead.

"FUCK OFF!" I turnrd and growled.

"I think you two are making it worse I can handle myself. If I need you I can call. Now mister Dixon we need to make sure and see if the child was born in a hospital." The lady explained. "Now follow me." She said handing the now quite baby to me. I chuckled at the little ass kicker as she turned to the cops and stuck her tongue out. As I walked into a room I heard them mumbled.

"That's a Dixon no doubt."

The give the baby a full check up. Perfectly health baby girl. They said around a year. She should be talking soon. The give me a handbook on childcare. I was sitting there reading it to her. The were running the DNA test. I heard a knock and two people in fancy suites walked in. I smell the were another form of pigs.

"Hello sir we are you for the child safety. We have heard you and your brother are known to be thrown in jail and your job. Well its not stable. " the first guy said taking a seat. He was about to continue. Before I stood up holding the little girl away from them.

"Get the fuck away from me and my daughter. So let me get this straight here. You want to take my little Redneck because of past mistakes or money." I growled.

"Sir your brothers in jail now. We are just thinking about what's best. If -" he stopped when there was a knock on the door. The nurse from before walked on holding a car seat and papers. She glared at them.

"Okay we couldn't find her birth certificate in the computers. So I called the hospital lawer he sighed a birth certificate now you put her full name sign yours and you can leave the mom blank. Oh and this is a little gift from the hospital staff something to get you started." She explained and handed a little baby bag that had been tuckwd into the car seat. I give alittle smile. I took the pen and thought. Before putting Cherokee Rose Dixon and signing mine to the bottom. She dug through the bag and pulled our a cutie little outfit. She told me how to change her. Okay maybe this won't be so fucking hard.

"And Dixon Mister White here will need to make sure your home is safe so you got a week. Now do you want help buckling her in? It's hard the first time." She offered. I nodded taking her offer. She lift the sit to the table and put Cherokee in. She giggled playing around with the belts. I heard the door slam. It made Cherokee start to cry.

"Here." she said reaching for a pacifier. She got up and gentle put it in the crying baby's mouth. But it did shush her.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow." She smirked showing me out. She slide a card into my pocket. I shot her a confused glare. "It's not for you Redneck its for your Flower."

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Redneck Family (Before the deadحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن