“I don’t think you’re in any authority to joke right about now…” he glanced at the Martian and then looked back at his own son.

“Rex Stewart, better known as Warhawk.”

“Who’s your mother?”

“Really?! You have no idea who his mom is?!” Tabitha couldn’t help herself, motioning at Rex’s retractable wings.

“I would say the same to you but I think it’s very obvious who his father is…” John nodded towards the Martian. Tabitha became flustered as the Martian approached her.

“What are you doing here?” his voice was a bit lighter than J’onn’s but she knew that he could very well change that as needed… just like his father.

“We followed a time-traveling thief here; David Clinton.” younger Bruce explained for Tabitha.

“Oh, you mean Lord Chronos. It makes sense, now. If you haven’t noticed, everything is jacked up around here because of him.” Virgil informed them.

“How far in the future have we traveled?” Diana asked. The older Bruce walked up to Tabitha and examined her.

“How long have you been in the League?” he asked her. She slightly shrugged.

“A couple of years…”

“Then, you’ve traveled about fifty years, give or take a year.” he told her. She stared at Virgil in shock.

“You’re looking damn good for a sixty year old, then! You all do…” she eyed the Lindsey triplets.

“The miracle of modern medicine; sixty-five is the new thirty.”[xxi] Virgil acknowledged. He turned to face the group, “Unfortunately… this is all that’s left of the Justice League. Warhawk, Terry; the new Batman and Martian Lyght.” he formally introduced.

“Wait… what do you mean, ‘this is all that’s left’? You saying…” it actually saddened Tabitha at the thought. Rex slowly nodded.

“When Lord Chronos took over, he launched a full-scale attack on the Justice League. There wasn’t anything anyone could do about it. A handful simply… left… but it was a very small handful that survived.”

“And those three didn’t help matters much…” Virgil piped in, pointing to the Lindsey triplets. Tabitha swung around and eyed them in half disgust/half amusement.

“What?! But… they don’t even have powers!” she noted. Virgil threw one of the jumpsuits to her.

“Technology’s changed a lot in fifty years, too. With enough money, you can buy super powers…” Solonia explained as Tabitha examined the suit. Very unnoticeable, there were wires running throughout the entire suit. Tabitha had a feeling that it was capable of giving the wearer any power they desired. Slightly angered, she approached the three.

“Why would you do this? Where’s your mom and dad? Do they know what you’ve been doing?!” she scolded. A.C. shot an evil look towards the remaining Justice League members.

“Ask them what happened to our parents!” he spat out. She looked at the others with a confused look.

“What…? What happened to…”

They killed them! And, no one did a damn thing to stop it! Why should we ‘play nice’ to them when they took the most important people in our lives?!” Jamil angrily yelled out. Tears formed in her eyes as Tabitha continued to eye the future members.

“N-No. Tell me you didn’t…” she tried. Her son approached her and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“They’re not willing to listen to us, especially not after the incident. The Justice League didn’t kill Aunt Doc and Uncle Albert…” a part of her wanted to giggle at his words.

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