Chapter one

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"Maria" I yelled across the gymnasium.  Maria ran over to me smiling. Her big eyes lit up everywhere that she went. Her high pony tail was bouncing and her smile was glistening. 

"Ny!! I thought that you weren't going to come in today ! I f you miss 5 days in a row they suspend you. You already missed 3 .. "

"Not in a row Maria! You are so dramatic! What did I miss?"

"Nothing much, we were learning the elements of the periodic table. You should have been here! You just left me here by myself knowing that I only joined this stupid  summer program because of you! You know that science is not my thing.  What's been up?"

"And I love and appreciate you for joining it with me!   If I work hard enough, I will get that science scholarship for Buffalo. " I responded with a grin on my face. 

Me and Maria were best friends since grade school and the fact that we are now going into the same high school is awesome. Maria moved to Virginia with her aunt when her mom passed away and came back to New York to live with her older sister. Her older sister knew she hated living down there so invited her to stay with her for the summer and if she still likes it than she can stay in New York for her high school career. Maria made the decision to live with her sister and now she will be starting sophomore year of high school with me at Brook-dale High. It was perfect for me due to the fact that I was  a nobody at Brook-dale High. My closest friend in that school was Ms. Ross, my science teacher and she  is going to be my door to the Buffalo State science program. 

"Maria, with you being here nothing is going to get in my way. I am really thankful for you to be here."

"I am too! I can't wait! It is going to be just like old times."

"Yup, just like old times "

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