time of the month

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It was that dreaded week of the month, unfortunately for you your boyfriend had just started his first month on tour. This was also the first month he wasn't able to comfort you. Y

ou were laying in bed when your laptop started ringing, it was a skype call from Niall. You got up and answered it.

"HEY BABE! Why are you laying in bed- OH" he caught himself. He always knew when you got your period.

"Yeah, sorry babe. I'm just in pain and all I want to do is sleep. Can I call you later?" you asked sheepishly.

"Of course! It's fine. I'll talk to you later. Get some sleep. I love you." he said.

"I love you too!" you said and fell asleep. About and hour later you heard your doorbell, you really didn't want to get up but you did. When you answered the door you saw a big bouquet of roses and a big box of chocolates. You signed for it and read the notecard.

"Sorry I'm not with you,love. Enjoy these & fell better. Call me soon. LOVE YOU xx Niall" You picked up your phone and called your boyfriend thanking him for his sweet gesture. You talked for an hour until he had to go to play the show.


sorry, if i haven't been writing imagines. my grandpa got out of the hospital and people are visiting. thats why. you must really hate me now. I'm really really sorry. forgive me?

Niall Horan imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now