I stumble down the stairs, but end up falling face first into the couch.

Ecie is staring at me, and she knows I can tell.

"Mal, are you sure your ok?" Evie asks.

I push myself up and stumble into the kitchen.

"Don't be silly Evie!" I say.

"I'm fine besides killer headaches and my feet feeling like cinder blocks." I say laughing.

Evie chuckles.

"I love it when your half asleep." Evie laughs.


After breakfast I felt a whole lot better, and I wasn't half asleep anymore.

I am reading a little when a knock sounds from the door.

I close my book in frustration and walk over to the door.

I pull it open and see Ben standing there.

I smile.

"Hey Mal, since we told most of our friends about getting married, do you think you would come with me today to tell my parents?" He asks.

"Ben of course I will." I say.

He sighs in relief.

"Good. I didn't want to do that alone." He says.

I laugh.

"Ben? Can I ask you a big favor though?" I ask as we get into the limo.

He nods.

"Would you come with me next time to see my father?" I ask.

He stares at me.

"I thought you weren't afraid of him." He says.

I nod.

"I'm not. But since he is helping me, I made him a promise if we win this battle thing, to get him freed." I say to him.

He just stares at me.

"Mal, that's huge. It would be a huge adjustment. But, what if he is tricking you?" He asks.

I shake my head.

"I don't believe that Ben. He is doing good. Think about it. I stayed in his cell all night, not a scratch." I say.

He points to my side.

"What's that?" He question.

I look over and see that my shirt rolled up a bit.

I put it back to normal.

"Nothing." I say looking away from him.

He tilts my head back.

"Please Mal." He says.

I sigh, not arguing with him.

I lift it up so he can see the mark.

The mark of my mother's magic.

"Is that something your father did?" He asks angrily.

I shake my head.

"Not him. Maleificent." I say.

He looks confused.

"Ok. Let's just be happy, today we tell your parents we're getting married." I say, not wanting to continue the conversation.

He sighs.

"Alright. I'll come meet your father." He says.

I give him a hug.

"Thank you Ben." I whisper.

His smile lights the mood back up.

"So, how are we telling them?" I ask.

He face palms.

"We are having lunch with them.." He says.

I chuckle.

"Great." I say.

Ben isn't one for eating lunch with his parents, mainly because of the food.


Once we get there, I am nervous.

What if they don't like that I will be his wife?

"Don't be nervous. You know my parents like you." He whispers as we wait for the door to open.

When it does, Lumieir answers it.

"Ah! King Ben! And Mal!" He says happily.

I have no title.

"Come this way." He says, leading us through to some dining room.

Is this like Ben's castle?

I wonder if there is a library...

Belle had gotten me into books when she called me over one day when Beast and Ben had to go on their first mission somewhere.

"Mal! Ben! Welcome!" Belle says as we walk into the dining room.

We both smiles at his parents.

I really hope they don't hate me.

We walk over and sit down.

"Mom, Dad, we have something important to tell you." Ben says.

Beast stares at us, and motions for us to continue.

"Mal and I are engaged." He says.

Belle smiles and hugs us both.

Beast gets up.

For a second he looked mad, then he smiled.

"Welcome to the family." He says.

His words bounce around in my head for the rest of the day.

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