Chapter Four: Jay- You Meet

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You sighed walking out of Ninjago's video game shop. In your hands was a game your cousin had pre-ordered and you were picking it up for him. You were never really a crazy gamer, but you had experienced the thrill a few times. Carelessly strolling to your cousin's house, you took a peek at the game's cover. It was a Super Mario game which seemed pretty cool. Busy reading the game information, you didn't see that a young man was walking toward you. You fell backwards, squarely onto your butt.

"Ow!" you screamed. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" You were struggling to get off the ground. You heard a gasp.

"IAMSOSORRY!!!" you heard a young male voice say. You looked up and saw the cutest face staring down at you. "A- Are you okay?" He grabbed your right arm and your left hand and helped you get up off of the sidewalk. His blazing hazel eyes stared directly into your E/C ones. Immediately, he was blushing. So were you.

There were a few moments of awkward silence as you two dozed off into another world inside each other's eyes. The wind speed began to pick up and the boy's hair flew around and around. 'Wow...' you thought.

"Ugh..." He began to rub the back of his head. "Sorry for running into you..."

"I- It's okay," you replied. "I wasn't looking where I was going... and... uuh... It... it happens."

"Y- Yeah..." He looked at you and said calmly, "I'm Jay. Jay Walker, actually... Heh, heh! You might've seen me on T.V.! I'm Ninjago's most loveable ninja!" Jay said before winking adorably. You giggled.

"Wait... you're the host on The Most Extreme Ninja Challenge Ever! All that makeup makes you look a lot older than you really are, I guess." Jay smiled a little.

"It's concealer..." he whispered before another awkward silence.

"Well anyway!" you yelled. "Nice to meet you, Jay. My name's Y/N." You shook Jay's hand gently. You noticed that he looked over your shoulder at the video game that was still lying on the sidewalk. He walked over to it and picked it up. Handing it to you, he asked:

"You like video games?" His eyes suddenly lit up.

"Well," you began. " I never really was a crazy gamer, but I do really like video games!" You watched as Jay clutched his hands together and looked down. He opened his mouth a little bit then said at a normal volume:

"Would you like to come over sometime and play Minecraft or a ninja game sometime?"

"Yeah! Sure. That sounds really fun." Jay gave you a sticky note with his address and phone number. You ripped off the bottom half and took out a pen to write yours. You handed it to Jay, blushing.

You made a little "call me" gesture with your hand as you watched Jay blush. You both walked in opposite directions.

"Bye!" Jay shouted. "See you soon!"

"See ya, Jay!" You smiled and waved as you turned the corner of the sidewalk.

So here is Jay's! I'm so excited to finally have this typed an presented to all my followers! How do I already have that many? Wow! Thanks to all of you! I also apologize for not updating recently. I went on an 8 day, 7 night Alaskan cruise a few weeks ago. I wasn't able to update afterward because I was banned from using my computer. But I plan on updating more often. At least every week. If not, every other week. So hang in tight! We still have to get in Lloyd's "You Meet" scenario. Thanks for your patience! Talk to you all later! ;D        

This part of the story is dedicated to my good internet friend Silver F.E. Fengo who is also a Jay fangirl! Thank you Silver for showing me all those amazing Wattpad stories that include Jay... and the reader... and... ugh... never mind. XD Also, thank you for letting us still be friends after what I said on your SilverXJay wedding videos. I hope our friendship lasts for a long time! Thanks for everything, Silv! ;D


Maya <3

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