Chapter Two: Cole- You Meet

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You were at the beach building a huge sandcastle, enjoying the nice, fresh summer breeze. It was a beautiful day, and you didn't have a care in the world. You were just focused on your sandcastle. It was three feet tall, and it was almost finished. You were having so much fun until-

"HEY!" you heard someone suddenly scream at you. You shrieked. That was out of the blue. You realized that some jer- No, no, no! Not a jerk! A handsome, buff boy about your age was running toward you! "Sorry to interrupt you, but have you seen my volley ball? I thought I saw it rolling this way." You couldn't help but glance at his sexy six pack "Wooooowwww..." you thought.

"Wha- what did it look like?" You smiled, glad that he was asking YOU where his volley ball had gone.  "I... I'd love to help you out." He showed a small smile, as if he was glad you asked.

"Well..." He took a deep breath then... flexed!? "It was about THIS big!" Then he flexed again but curved his arms downward. "THIS wide!" Your E/C eyes widened at the sight. "And I think it went THAT way!" You covered you mouth and giggled as he made a Super Man pose. His black hair and dark green eyes completed his ultra sexy look.

"Sorry... b-but I haven't seen any v-volley ball come this way... Sorry... umm... What's your name?"

"I'm Cole. What's your name, Gorgeous?" He smiled and blushed a little. So did you.

"I'm... Y/N." You pushed your H/C hair out of your face. "Sorry about your volley ball, Cole." He snickered.

"There... is no volley ball..." Cole blushed again. "I made it up so I could talk to you..." He looked down.

"Well played, Cole." You whipped off your sandy hands on your beach towel and handed him a chicken wing.

"Wanna hang here for a while? My mom is looking for sea glass (The prettiest thing on the beach besides me. XD Just kidding. I'm not that pretty.), so she won't be back until later."

You two spent the rest of the day at the beach eating chicken and tortilla chips. Cole even helped you complete your sandcastle. When you noticed your mom coming, Cole said bye and ran off. You were kind of sad... you maybe... might have... liked Cole. You looked down and tilted your head when you noticed that there was a little note on the chicken wings' container. You picked it up and read:

"Beautiful Y/N,

You are extremely great company! I would love it if you would hang out with me more. See ya! ;)

-Cole Brookstone"

Yes. You liked Cole.

So this is Cole's! What do ya think?

I'd also like to dedicate this chapter to Michael and David for giving me the volley ball idea. You guys are hilarious! XD

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