Start from the beginning

SW: Zelle-ah, be strong, Donghae hyung is having a hard time and he needs you more than us.
Zelle: Ne?
SW: I know you were crying awhile ago. I heard you in the bathroom. It was wrong of him to treat you that way, he was being a jerk though.
Zelle: Oppa, I am fine.
SW: I know you will never tell me nor anyone, I know you are having a hard time as well, but please do remember we are here for you. We are in this together.

After reading his messaged, I locked my phone and closed my eyes, trying my best to forget what has happened earlier and focus on the event.

I was awoken by a soft shake, my driver was waking me up, it seems I fell asleep on our way here. I took my bag and proceeded to a mini tent, where we can get ourselves ready. My manager and makeup artist greeted me. My manager now is still my former manager.

Manager Lee: Ya, what happened to your clothes?
Zelle: Ah, this, I just got a bit clumsy at the restaurant earlier.
Manager: You okay?
Zelle: Ne?Oh ye, ye. I just need a hot chocolate.
Manager: I'll grab you one. (*looks at the makeup artist) Start prepping her up so she can rest for awhile.
Makeup artist: Ne.

My manager left us in the tent. I sat down on the chair and leaned back as my makeup artist comes close to me.

Zelle: Unnie, is it okay if I close my eyes?
Makeup Artist: Mmm,ne.
Zelle: I'll doze off for awhile.
Makeup Artist: Ne.

I thanked her and leaned back a bit and closed my eyes. I felt the soft hairs of the brush touch my skin, I calmed my mind and relaxed myself so that I would still be able to greet my fans brightly. I breathed in and breathed out softly, letting go of the tension and stress. After what felt like an hour, my makeup artist tapped me and told me I am done, I stood up as she handed me some clothes to change with. I got into the small dressing room and changed quickly, after that, I got out and sat back again and she started prepping my hair, then my manager came in with the hot chocolate.

Manager: We're starting in an hour, Super Junior is getting ready while the others are waiting. (*hands me my chocolate) I'll be back in 5.
Zelle&M.A: Ne~

Then my manager left.

M.A: Ya~ was that tea that spilled on your blouse?
Zelle: Oh ne~ waeyo?
M.A: Since when do you drink hot tea?
Zelle: Do I never drink hot tea?
M.A: Ani~marhaebwa, was it really you? You were supposed to be having lunch with the boys today, weren't you?
Zelle: Ne~it was just an accident.
M.A: Arra, I won't ask anymore. Tsa, your done. I'll bring this to the car and I'll be back.
Zelle: Ne~.

Unnie left and I was alone in my room, and I heard a soft knock on my door. I sighed and turned around to see who it was and surprised it was Jungkook of BTS, well I am an ARMY as well, so yeah.

He was shocked when he saw me, his face was both shocked and confused.

Jungkook: I'm sorry, I must have entered the wrong room.
Zelle: No worries, I think yours is next to mine.
Jungkook: Thanks and mianhaeyo for bothering you.
Zelle: Ani~ no worries.

I was about to turn around when he spoke again.

Jungkook: I am sorry again, but your Hae Seun right? The model? Super Junior's closest friend?
Zelle: Yes I am.
JK: I'm Jeon Jungkook. It's a pleasure to meet you. (*extends his hands for a handshake)
Zelle: (*reaches his hand) The pleasure is mine, and I am a fan of yours.
JK: Jinjja? A super model is a fan of ours?
Zelle: Well technically before I became one I already was a fan of yours and its just model, no super.
JK: Well to everyone you are a super already.
Zelle: (*smiles) thank you tho.
JK: Well, I have to go. I'll be seeing you in the event right?
Zelle: Yes. Definitely.
JK: The hyungs would love to meet you and I bet they would be happy to know you are an ARMY as well.
Zelle: Well, I'd love to meet them too. How about we have a get together after this?
JK: Ofcourse. Great idea. I have to go now. See ya.
Zelle: Ne~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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