Keep Calm and Play Basketball!

Start from the beginning

After a good laugh and a couple of more puns we had made it to the jail, still in our P.J's.

"I'm here to see Hyuuga Junpei" (F/N), practically, demanded at the window.

"He's over with your other friend. But we had to seperate the two, otherwise one would've had to be hospitalized." The officer, fitting every single stereotype out there for officers, showed us to Hyuuga.

"Guys!" Hyuuga waked up to the bars

"What did you--"

"See, Junpei" the voice cut (F/N) off and echoed in everyone's ears "I told you shed bail us out"

"Marise!" I looked at the cell next to Hyuuga and sitting calmly, as if he'd been through this before, was Hanamiya Marise. The bastard who had put (F/N) through crap.

"I am not bailing you out" (F/N) seemed calm, but her hands were shaking "I'm here for Hyuuga" her voice was cold and full of hate. "Shun I'll be right back" she headed over the the officer to talk about, I assume, the bail amount.

"Hyuuga, how'd you two get in here?" I ask waiting for her to return

"Well, I saw him at the gas station where my mom works. I kind of over reacted and then the police took us here"

~Flash Back (Narrator P.O.V )~

Hyuuga walked out of the Golden boy gas stating, where his mother works as the manager. He held bags containing chips and some sodas. As Hyuuga walked a little further out he looked both ways before moving out into traffic, and he was glad he did, a green convertible '94 Mustang came peeling into the gas station. In the drivers seat, someone Hyuuga didn't care for, Hanamiya Makoto, but in the passengers seat locking eyes with Hyuuga sat Hanamiya Marise.

"Hello, Junpei~" Marise got out of the car "is (F/N) here with you?" He looked around as if thinking Hyuuga hid her.

"It's you--" Hyuuga acted without thinking and swung his grosery bag at Marise, hitting him on the side of the face, startling Marise.

"See you at home" Makoto then drove off, giving them the finger until he was out of sight.

What was the point of Makoto driving here?

"That f*cker..." Marise said stretching his arms as if ready for a fight "after I knock you out I'll go find (F/N) and then--"

Hyuuga moved and socked Marise right in the jaw sending him to the ground.

"I know basketball players aren't supposed to get into fights during the season but....screw it! You've been a thorn in all our sides for about 2 years." Hyuuga dropped his grosery bag "I'm going to put an end to the is now"

~End Flash back~

"The cashier called these cops, and now we are here" Hyuuga seemed less than pleased

"You could've handled that way more civilized, Hyuuga" (F/N) commented

"I know" Hyuuga pouted.

"Bail is set are $300 for both and $250 for Hyuuga alone" (F/N) crossed her arms as she reached us with the news

"Why so much for me?" Hyuuga asked

"Probably because your the one that started it, baka" (F/N) said with disgust in her voice "Lets just head out, Shun" (F/N) said as an officer let Hyuuga out of the cell.

(F/N P.O.V)

The three of us walked toward my house. I don't know why but I was pissed. My stomach felt queezy and my head was spinning.


That's all that was in my head. That figgin' guy who had bullied me, and is still bullying me even if he isn't trying.

"(F/N)" I turned and looked at Hyuuga "sorry" he avoided my gaze.

"Hyuuga" I turned around, sounding as pissed as I could "your in a Hyuuga mount of trouble!"

He looked at me dumbfounded and then laughed.

I had never heard his laugh before. A true laugh "You're so funny, (F/N)!"

At that moment I felt a bubbling aura of hate arise, and this time it wasn't Hyuuga, like he would during games or at his kohai's... no...instead it was Izuki who was burning with hatred, but why?


A/N: Thank you for reading! Please if you have any idea any are help full, at this point.

See you all soon!

Keep Calm and What? (Izuki Shun X American!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now