Keep Calm and I Need Help!

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[A/N: So sorry this took so long to update! I've had writers block, I hope you all will forgive me! Thanks for reading!]

~1 Year later~ (Reader's P.O.V)

"(F/n), hurry up!" Izuki called to me.

"I'm running as fast as I can!"

"We're going to be late to school!" Izuki said waiting for me to catch up

"My alarm didn't go off, it's not my fault!" I yelled back to him.

The two of us were running later than usual. I was a complete mess, because my alarm hadn't gone off because I set it for P.M. and not A.M. Izuki had been nice enough to check on me and see if I was up, and he ran into the house and woke me up, abruptly if I might add.

The both of us had arrived to school just as the bell rung. We hurried to our seats just as the teacher entered the room. This year I was seated right in front of Rin and right beside Hyuuga. Izuki was beside Hyuuga on the other side and Koga was in the front of the room. I dug through my backpack to grab my books, I shuffled in there for a little, I took out my new drawing book (which I painted to look like a Seirin basketball jersey and had a number 5 painted on the front), to see if the books had landed on the bottom. Once I had fished the books out I placed my drawing book right back into my bag and zipped it up. After the incident last year I've been paranoid about my stuff and I keep a watchful eye on it, and the culprit has yet to be found.

"Psst" I hear and then I felt a paper triangle hit my face and fall onto my desk. I look at it a little confused and then opened it.

'Hey, are we doing that modeling thing tonight? -Shun'

Izuki has become my model, if you want to call it that. He felt bad that my red book was trashed and innocently offered to become my model so that I could fill another book with just him.

'Yes -(F/N)'

I flung it back. And just as soon as I flung it back it came right back and hit me in the face yet again.

'Is it going to be titanic style, Jack ;) -Shun'

By 'Titanic style' he was referring to the movie titanic and the part where Jack draws Rose naked, hence why he called me Jack.

'No and stop passing notes we are going to get into trouble and have to read it in front of the class -(F/N)'

I flung it back. Expecting no more interruptions.


I was hit with yet, another note. I glanced at Izuki. Who just mindlessly looked at the bored as if he never passed the note. I opened the note, inside the note was a horribly drawn picture, of what I assumed was supposed to be me and a winky face followed by a cheesy poem, that I think is a pick up line but I'm not sure.

'Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

I'm Izuki Shun

Who are you?'

I rolled my eyes and wrote.

'Are those pants from space, cuz ur ass is out of this world ;)'

And tossed it back

This happened all day, the two of us passed the note with out getting caught. Adding ridiculous pick up line after pick up line. The last class of the day, Hyuuga caught the note mid air and glared us both down.

"Pay attention" He whispered in an aggravated tone.

Needless to say, the last class went on for a long time.

"Time to head to practice" Hyuuga grabbed Izuki

"But wait!" Izuki began to fight Hyuuga's grip

"It's fine Izuki, We can do it later on, after practice" I then thought about it,

They had had practice this morning so what could Hyuuga be doing with Izuki? N.M.P (Not My Problem).

I walked out of the school and then decided to drop by one of the places I applied to for a job. I had no Idea what I wanted to do after high school so I decided that if I at least had a job in place then I could save up money for when I knew what I wanted to do.

"Hello?" I walked into a Coffee shop and up to the cashier "Can I speak to the manager?"

"Of course" The peppy girl turned and went to where I couldn't see her and she came back with this thug looking muscular man.

"How can I help you?" His voice was kind of menacing but a hint of kindness was masked behind it

"I applied to work here, about a month ago, and was wondering if you were still considering my hire?"

"What's your name?"

"Oh sorry!" I bowed "I'm (Full name)"

"Oh, (Full name)?" He said "Come right this way" He then turned and signaled for me to follow. He guided me to the back of the coffee shop, to his office. "I believe we were scheduled to call you later on this evening" He sat at his desk and motioned for me to sit in front of him

"Really?" I said sounding a little too happy

"Yes, we are considering you for the position of a waitress" He smiled a kind smile "But I need to ask you a question about your application before it's official"

"Alright" I smiled

"In your application you state that you can draw. I give you this task, come up with a new logo, with out totally changin' our current one and you get the job" He stretched out his hand for a hand shake "Deal?"

"I accept your challenge!" I shook his hand "I'll get it into you by the end of the week, is that alright?"

"Is three days really enough time?"

"More than enough" I smiled. The manager, whose name I learned is Suki Lyle, escorted me out and waved when I left.

I then headed to the gym to tell all the guys the good news. My heart was racing from the excitement! I walked into the gym a little worried that I'd be interrupting something important.

"Come on Izuki, it shouldn't be this hard!" I heard Hyuuga's voice loud and clear

"You guys don't understand!" Izuki sounded distraught "It's not as simple as you want it to be!"

I saw them, Izuki surrounded by Koga, Rin, Hyuuga, Kagami, and Riko. Izuki was tied to a metal chair with ropes. I had to take up the chance to draw this scene so I pulled out one of my other note books and started sketching. Hyuuga looked like a detective and Izuki looked like the thug that Hyuuga was beating up, the rest were just the supporting cast who "didn't see anything".

"Hyuuga, it's unnecessary to have me tied up, please let me go"

I close my drawing book happy that I got a good quick sketch from it and then decided to surprise them all but as I went to move out from the shadows and hand cupped over my mouth and pulled me behind the bleachers.

"I see you made a new drawing book" the voice was dark and slimy "I made the last one a piece of art." the free hand of the person holding me back crept up my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine "Did you like my letters? I have't sent any in about a year." The person seemed to wait for a response that I couldn't give "Well no matter" They then stopped and turned me towards them-self.



A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait on this chapter, I feel terrible. The next update will be out as soon as I can get it out. Thank you all for reading and have a great day/ night/ afternoon!

Keep Calm and What? (Izuki Shun X American!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now