Keep Calm and STOP IT!

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Last week was a disaster. First Izuki found out that I draw/ imagine him shirtless, Second I got interrogated by the whole team, and Third I avoided Izuki after practice and ran straight home.

Lets not have another day, or week, like that agian...please....

I was expecting the guys to not pick me up today. They had told me over the weekend that they were going to have morning practices. I was not going to be at school any earlier than I needed to be, so I decided to lollygag around. I grabbed a mountain dew so that I would have something to keep me up and then I grabbed my homemade bento box that I had put together myself. I walked out of the house and was met with an empty side walk. I sighed deeply and then walked my way towards the school.

"(F/n)!" I heard a worried voice yell from behind me. I turned around and was met with the sweaty faces of Koga and Rin

"Guys?" I asked "What? I thought you two would've been at the school by now" I looked at the two. Koga breathing hard with his hands on his knees and Rin keeping his regular poker face.

"N-No" Koga said trying to catch his breath "Captain said we had after school practices this week. That it's next week we start at the beginning of school." Koga said in between breaths

"Alright" I smiled, glad I didn't have to walk to school alone.

The three of us joined up and walked to school together, in bliss.

When we walked into the classroom the bell hadn't rung yet so we three got to our seats with out getting detentions. Before sitting in my seat I saw something on my desk...and not it wasn't anything particularly good. There were profanities carved into my desk. Calling me horrible things that I wouldn't even imagine repeating.

"You alright?" Koga asked as I quickly covered them up with my bag and myself

"Yep I'm great" I said, lying. I wanted to cry my heart out.

Why did this happen? It's not like one girl can get in that much trouble in a week, right?

I sat in my desk and as I opened it there was a note. It was labeled with the 'B' word on the box designated for TO and B.B.F.C. (The Basketball Fan Club) in the FROM box. I rolled my eyes as I went to open up the letter. As I did some pictures fell out of the letter.











Guys (from the team).

My heart began to race. They have stalkers? Well I did know these types of fangirls were crazy, but is this legit? I picked up all the pictures before anyone realized that they had fallen. The note read:

'Stop f**king with the team you sl*t. We all know that you like them, but can't you get a hint? None of them are interested in you! Izuki, for example, hates your stupid mug. He only encourages your stupid little 'puns' because he feels pity for you. So why don't you do everyone a favor and stop hanging around him and all the rest of the basketball guys! Koga and Mitobe too, they both hate you, they just feel terrible that you don't have any REAL friends. BACK OFF OR ELSE!'

I held my mouth with the hand not holding the letter, trying to hold back the tears. I knew none of it was true but it still hurt. I still felt the invisible knife jab into my heart. I kept myself from crying and stuck the letter back in the envelope and placed it into my drawing book which was in my school bag. I kept books over my desk all day, even if it wasn't the class period's book, I still needed to cover it. I wasn't going to have the guys find out I was being this magnitude...because of them....

Keep Calm and What? (Izuki Shun X American!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now