Ⅰ. Life Is Not All About Happy Memories

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Deepika Padukone as Aruna Mathur


Reading a book and sipping hot chocolate while its raining outside is something which I love. Its past midnight and I am sitting on the couch in my room and reading Menfreya in the morning.

Its the pre-monsoon shower and I just love the rainy season and the way the hills of Dehra get a fresh green hue. The smell of mud and grens soothed me.

I was so engrossed in the book that Idid not realize that the cup had become empty. It was when I picked up the cup and was about to take a sip when I noticed this. "Ugh", I groaned. I hate it when I'm reading a book- a good romantic book and I'm interrupted by these petty stuffs.

I closed the book and kept it on the nearby table. I did not bother to take the cup back to the kitchen.

I dragged myself to the bed. It was really late now and my mom won't spare me if I woke up late in the morning. Well she was never a bookworm and many a times mini wars in the house had taken place regarding this.

When I was a student she wanted me to study always but I was the rebel and didn't like to keep myself limited to the books which the syllabus had alotted. My dad usually stayed in the no-man's land.

Well whatever I say I am one lucky girl who has got the best parents in the world. I just fear I don't hurt them at any point of my life. The only thing that annoys me is their eagerness to get me hitched.

But life is not all about happy memories. I have some bad ones, if they can be called memories. Memories are happy ones, right? What do you call the ones which you don't want to remember but they are etched so very clearly in your mind that you can't erase them? I so want to forget those dreadful days which turned my once happy life, topsy turvy.


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Asmita 💜

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