Chapter 30.

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~Jeremy POV~

We finally got to Disney and when Ellie saw the entrance she squealed with excitement, and she could hardly contain herself when we got through the gates. We of course rode the kids rides with her and when we couldn't sit all three of us to a seat she took turns riding with Kirstin and I. We rode rides until around lunch time then we all sat down and had lunch. Once lunch was over we took Ellie to meet the characters and she wasn't to fond of them. 

We were in line waiting to meet the mouse himself, Mickey, when Ellie had a minor break down. 

"Ssshhh Ellie, it's okay" Kirstin said while holding Ellie, who continued to sob.

"Kirstin maybe it's better if we just go home?" I ask uncertain of what to do.

"Okay, but we are so close to the front of the line I say we just wait it out." Kirstin tells me.

After five more minuets we are finally up to meet Mickey and Ellie has, thankfully, stopped crying. We took a picture with Mickey and then decided to buy it. 

Overall the day went smoothly, minus Ellie's breakdown, until we were leaving. A Pentatonix fan had spotted Kirstin and were quickly making her way over to us. 

"Uh Kirstin give me Ellie quick!" I say in a panic.

~Kirstin POV~

"What! Why?" I ask rather confused.

"There's a fan coming towards you and as far as I know you haven't told them about her yet." Jeremy says while stepping in front of Ellie and I to block us from view. I quickly hand Ellie to Jeremy and he walks a short distance from me so I can greet the fan. 

"Um excuse me, are you Kirstie Maldonado from Pentatonix?" the girl asks.

"Hi and yeah that's me! What's your name?" I ask with a smile.


"Well it's nice to meet you Ellen! I'm assuming your a PTX fan."

"Oh yeah, yeah I am. If...if it's not to much to ask...uh...can I tell you my story? I mean I read your blog and I have looked up to you for so long. If not that's okay...I'm sure fans can get annoying." Ellen says with a pleading look in her eyes.

Originally I was just going to take a picture with her and maybe sign something and be on my merry way but looking into this girls eyes I can tell she really needs someone to talk to.

"Yeah, why don't we go and get something to drink and we can talk just give me one minute. Stay here."

With my mind made up I walk over to Jeremy who has just blended in with the crowd.

"Hey Jeremy, I'm going to get something to drink with the fan who came up to me. She asked to tell me her story and I can tell by the look in her eyes that she needs someone to talk to." I explain.

"Okay just text me when you're done. I'll ride some more rides with Ellie."

"Okay thanks"

I walk back over to Ellen who's just staring at the ground as people push by her to get on with their day, it's like they don't even see her.

"Okay Ellen, let's go" I say. She looks up like she can't believe I came back and then follows me into the restaurant. We are seated at a table in the back and the waiter takes our order. Soon she returns and then we sit in silence. Ellen fidgets in her seat and keeps looking around so I take it upon myself to start the conversation.

"So Ellen what's your story?" 

~Ellen POV~

Kirstie Maldonado just asked me what my story is. Now is not the time to back out, you've already asked her if you could tell her so buck up and do it. Don't be stupid she doesn't care. SHUT UP! You can do this. So take a deep breath and begin.

"Well I'm 14 years old and I love music. I watched The Sing Off when Pentatonix was on and I fell in love. I thought, and still think, that you guys were so talented. After you won I continued to support you guys but the only way I could do that was to buy your music off iTunes. When you would go on tour I would beg my Mom to take me but she wouldn't, so I would just watch your concerts on YouTube. When you started your blog I, of course, read it every week and soaked in everything you said because it helped me survive. This past year my Mom left and so I was left in the care of my Uncle, but he hates me. Can't stand the sight of me. So I began to cut, one cut every time I felt alone, every time I was reminded that I'm not loved." 

At this point I rolled up my sleeve to show Kirstin the cuts that littered my wrists. She let out a gasp as she gently took my wrist in her hand. I took a deep breath and continued.

"Finally I had had enough. One night I ran away and didn't look back. I just grabbed the money I had, a jacket, and my razors. Today is my birthday so I figured I would treat myself and come here." 

You've said way to much. She's going to turn you into the state. YOU'RE AN IDIOT. 

Kirstie still had my wrist in her hands and she was gently tracing my scars with her fingers. 

"Do you have anywhere to stay tonight?" Kirstie asks quietly. 

" but I'll just find somewhere it's what I usually do."

"Wait here and do not leave" Kirstie says as she gets up.

Man it's like she can read my mind. I say in my seat as I watch her walk off a short way and pull out her phone. The voices in my head start to talk again so I put my head down.

Come on, leave, she doesn't care. She's just like everyone else. She probably hates you now that you've told her your dirty little secret. She's probably calling the state now. They're gonna come and collect you and throw you into a foster home. 

"Shut up!" I whisper to myself. I feel a gentle hand grab my hand that's sticking out so I lift my head to see Kirstie looking at me like she actually might care. 

"You're staying with me tonight." Kirstie says.


"You're coming home with me tonight. You can stay with me and then tomorrow you can meet the guys. I'm not going to let you just leave with nowhere to go." Kirstie says as she pays for our meal.

Then she gets up takes my hand in hers and leads me out of the restaurant. 

"There is something you should know before we get to the car. I'm here with my boyfriend, Jeremy, and my daughter Ellie. I haven't told the fans about Ellie yet so if you wouldn't mind I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone." Kirstie says and we exit the park.

"I promise I won't."

~Kirstin POV~

We get to the car and I give Ellen's hand a small squeeze before opening the car door for her. She climbs inside and I get in and we're off to my apartment. I called the guys and told them a shorted version of Ellen's story but I need to call Mitch and tell him the whole story. He can help her.

Have HopeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora