Cry and Run (One Shot)

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


by PrincessThirteen00


TO BE with the person you cherish and love, that's what true happiness meant to me. It means not giving up through all the ups and downs that may go our way.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

I looked up and saw my mother enter my room with a pained expression on her lovely face.

I stood up and smiled at her. "Yes, Mum. I'm not changing my mind."

She gave me a tight hug even though my wedding gown is hugging me tightly already.

"There's still time to back out. You shouldn't punish yourself like this."

I broke the hug and pouted at her. Never did I consider this as a punishment. Why can't everyone see that?

"Mum, please?"

"Oh, God. My baby is getting married already." She wiped her tears.

"And you're going so emotional, Mum." I wiped her tears with the tissue I had been holding. "Right when you hate retouching your mascara," that made her giggle.

"Two minutes, ladies." I heard the wedding coordinator called.

"Okay. It's settled," she exhaled deeply before speaking. "Congratulations, sweetheart. Don't forget that Mum will always be here for you, okay?" She kissed my forehead before she left me in my room.

A heavy sigh escaped me.

I slowly walked towards the mirror and I was beautiful on my special day.

Our special day.

After a minute, I was escorted by my mother downstairs—the wedding to take place at our backyard.

It's not the biggest place to have a wedding occur, right? But it's not always about the place where we will unite but for me, it's the ceremony to bind us together.

I heard the music play softly and all my close friends and relatives were present. All his family members were also there. Believe it or not, everybody fit in our place. I would say it had a capacity of more than fifty people to fit so it was pretty wide.

But setting that aside, I'm nervous. Dead nervous.

After all the strong-willed answers I have been giving everyone around me—about why I accepted his proposal—I'm only feeling the pressure today.

"Breathe, honey." I heard Mum whispered as we slowly entered the garden with everyone anticipating.

I smiled at her then looked up to make sure that the camera was taking my smiles.

I saw my girl friends at the side and they waved at me and some had the thumbs up on me.

My aunts were teary-eyed. I remember that they were sad because my dad would not see me on my wedding day because he has descended into heaven ten years ago already. It has always been Mum and me.

On the right side of the garden were his relatives. And I could see the happiness on their eyes. Everyone was delighted that I would be marrying their boy after everything that happened but I could see the pain on the sides of their overwhelming emotions.

I shook aside all the unnecessary thoughts.

Today is my wedding day.

Today is our special day.

That's all that I should think of. I should focus on our future—I mean the present and treasure everything.

Getting engaged two weeks ago on that rainy day... Getting the best proposal I could receive from the best guy I ever loved and pushing the wedding as soon as we could... That's what I had been into the past weeks.

Some even told me that we shouldn't have rushed it cause we are still young. A twenty-one-year-old lady to marry her twenty-three-year-old boyfriend for two and a half year to tie the knot. But the others who knew what was going on, gave us courage and helped us out to their fullest capabilities.

Each step I took was exciting but it was also tormenting. But as I gaze to the man standing by the altar, I can't help but smile at him as he smiles back at me.

I saw him wipe his tears and I find it cute. He was a crybaby but it didn't matter to me because it made me closer to him knowing everything about him.

But he wasn't a crybaby to begin with. The change in our lives made everything this way.

I didn't even realise that I was standing in front of him already till my mum handed my hand to him.

"Thank you," my belived Connor whispered.

"Please be happy." My mum kissed us both before leaving my side to stand beside my aunts.

"You look beautiful."

A blush escaped my cheeks hearing his compliment as we ascended the small platform his dad assembled the other day.

"You look hot in a suit." I winked at him and he grinned.

The ceremony began and as every second continued ticking, my heart was tearing up. I want to be with him for a long time. Till eternity. Yet why should this happen? Why us?

"Do you Connor McCollin take Hope as your wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do you part?"

"I do." He smiled at me.

It was the most genuine sight I could see in his eyes.

"Do you Hope Simmone take Connor as your wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do you part?"

I looked at the priest before turning my gaze to him. His smile disappeared as he awaited my response.

My heart was throbbing and it felt like it would explode any time. I look behind me and everybody was so focused on us.

"Hope?" The priest called.

I turn back my gaze at him and smiled.

"I do. I do." I answered and he smiled. I held his hand and I felt him squeezed it.

Damn, I love this man so much.

The wedding ended and we all had a blast at the party but Connor and I had to rest early for the day. He shouldn't be made tired in any way. He just got out of the ICU since he didn't want to get married in the hospital.

He has a serious case of sepsis and we were told his time was up.

He could leave us—me—anytime...

That's why I wanted to marry him to keep our promise from a year ago that we will make the concept of 'forever' a reality. But we failed to bring it to the fullest extent. He never gave up but his body gave up on him.

There were nothing doctors can do about his illness. His body was denying the antibiotics and it has affected his other organs already. But he still fought and that's why I wanted to devote my time to him—to support him and make sure he is in his best state.

To fulfil the promise we made on that rainy day... That no matter what happens... I will never leave his side. That we will do everything to look for a cure even if the chances were 10:90 already. Or even if the gamble was already 1:99, we decided that we won't be giving up on each other.

But two days later, he died and left me.




Cry and Run (One Shot)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن