A new beginning

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Phil's P.O.V.

Feeling more nervous than I ever have in my whole life I walked into my new huge school. If I had at least started in the beginning of the year it would be better as there would have been bound to be new kids, but here was the awkward new kid Phil starting in the middle of the year.

"Excuse me miss."

"Umm hello?"

Finally the secretary at the front desk looked up at me over her glasses. She sighed and stood beckoning me to follow her.

"Your the new kid aren't you? Well, I'm very busy today so I won't show you to your classes I'll get someone for you."

Nodding I sat in one of the hard blue plastic chairs in the office that she pointed to. She disappeared into the maze of what was my new school leaving me to wonder what was in store for me here.

Soon he heard the clicking of the secretary's shoes as she appeared arguing with a boy.

"Why do I have to show someone around the school I'm already busy, get someone else to do it."

"Well if you weren't caught with alcohol in your locker we wouldn't have to punish you, would we?"

"That wasn't me! I already told you! One of those other boys framed me!"

Phil looked up at the boy who was covered in all black clothing, making him wonder if his new pizza shirt was appropriate on his first day.

"This is Dan, and lucky for you he's in all your classes he can show you around. Ok? Well I'll be off good luck."

Dans P.O.V.

I fucking hated that witch of a secretary I don't want to show around some new kid.

Entering the office I saw the new kid, he was looking down and his hair was completely black, dyed I'm guessing. He was also wearing a pizza shirt which I knew would get taunted for here. His legs looked long which I hoped he was tall, as I am over six feet and I stick out being the only tall one here.

He looked up, and suddenly my heart stopped.

I know who he is.

My old boyfriend.

He clearly recognized me as well as his face paled. We dated almost four years ago and it was some of the best time of my life spent with him. But my mom got a new job almost five hours away so we moved. I didn't know what to do because I didn't want to break his heart as he meant the world to me. So I never told Phil until the day before we left and I lied and told him I didn't love him anymore so he could try to forget me and live a happy life without me. I never forgot him as he was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Phil's P.O.V.

When the secretary said his name was Dan I knew it was him. He was the love of my life and he broke my heart. I cried for days after he said that. I finally got the courage to go to his house and confront him about it so I went to his house and there in the middle of the yard was a for sale sign. I tried calling him but the automated voice said his number had changed. I never knew were he went until now.

"So how have you, uh been?", I asked trying to break the ice as we walked down the hallway.


He was clearly flustered as he lead me to a door and pushing it open and said that it was the cafeteria. Then leading me to the library, the study room, math, and the language arts room. He then opened the door to the bathroom.

I followed Dan in looking at myself in the mirror adjusting my shirt. Suddenly I was pushed into the wall.

"I have been fucking hell without you Phil. I miss you so much" his lips crashed against mine as I pushed him away.

Hurt was clear in his eyes and he looked down.

"You can't tell me you don't love me, leave me for four years, then see me and kiss me!", I yelled shaking from confusion, anger, and hurt.

"Phil listen to me, I've thought about you every day! I didn't want to tell you what I did, but I wanted you to forget me and be happy!", Dan started crying and fell to the floor.

I hated seeing him like this as we both so clearly wanted the same thing. Each other.

Pulling Dan up I kissed his cheek.

"Just promise me one thing Dan?", I couldn't believe I was doing this but I know I've missed him too and now seeing him as brought back all the memories I've lost.

"Anything! anything at all Phil, please!"

"Don't you dare ever leave me again", I said kissing him, immediately remembering the feel of his lips and how he loved me running my hands through his hair.

"No Phil. I can't even think of leaving you again.", Dan said falling into me.

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