Chapter 4: The Man Under The Uniform

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Sorry for the wait yall. I have been stuck up in school and other activities. I'll try and make this a large chapter to compensate for the loss of time.

Spencer POV
My eyes slam open from my bacon senses. They are off the charts, someone, somewhere has bacon and I am determined to locate it in all means necessecary.
But I take a minute to think to myself, is this heaven? Did I die from the blow to the head? Is this somekind of sick game that God is trying to play on me? I feel around and quickly realize I am not at my inevitable death, just yet. So on that note my legs make the adventure to the below-0 temperature floor, causing my feet to instantly retract.
I then mentally prepare myself for the treturous journey that lies ahead between the floor and I. My arch nemises. I then slam to the floor and plop onto the nearest target, The carpet.
Plop Plop plop, I make my way over to the door and creak it open, as if I'm a Black Ops. Like a meerkats I dart my eyes from wall to wall. Clear.
Target spotted...
Laying before me is a marvelous kitchen island with plates of food and a note. My hips slam into the counter as I frantically look for the bacon. Ah! There it is. Its crispy brown, flimsy figure, far sexier and tastier then any man could ever be. I shove three down my throat neglecting to taste it but rather feel it travel in my stomach, followed by the three I send a recon bacon, not because I'm hungry, but because the others need back up, right? Yeah.
I pick up the note, written in fancy cursive.
Depending on the time you wake up, I may or may not be gone. Feel free to leave, or stay. I made you food. Enjoy.

Hmph.. How classy is he?

I hear a door open and a muscular hot man named Coursten wearing a towel floods out while on his cellphone.

"Hey!" I shout.

Startlingly he flails into the air and slams down on the beige carpet, somehow losing his towel in the act.
I stare bewildered at the being laying in front of me. Dropping my bacon, I take back what I said, bacon can come second in sexiness. Because this man is a present from a larger being. His Chizeled jaw, large pecs, abs, muscular arms that make you just want to cuddle up in them and not leave, ever. He stands up and continues the conversation, almost unaware his member is swinging from leg to leg with every step.

"Well, hello. I didn't expect you to be up." He chuckles under his breath and goes to retrieve his towel.

"Uhm.... did we-" I stutter on my words, "Did we, uhhh, have.. like?"

"No." His voice cracks, "I have more class than to fuck a man I just met, let alone a drunk one that can't consent to it. But trust me, with your body, it was hard to resist." He bites his bottom lip while looking up and down at my body, admiring it. Almost as if mocking what I do to his.
He struts over to me and shuffles through my hair with his hands and swings them down to slap my ass. Causing a conflict in my pants,
"Especially hard resisting that." He adds, I give him a confused look,
"Oh, are you not into men?" He asks, I stare blankly and he stares me down again, "Because that's not what the tent in your pants are hinting at." He winks and grabs a piece of bacon.
I blush and cover my awoken member.
"That's what I thought boy, are you planning on staying? Leaving?"
"I don't know yet." I reply, still mesmerized by his body.

"I'll call out?" He asks.

I think to myself, should I stay with this hunk of meat that's better than bacon, or should I go home and sleep. Sadly I think with the wrong head,
"Yes, please."
Damn myself. Why did I do that? Now I'll have to spend the whole day with him, I mean that's not such a bad thing, but I feel the need to be alone. I beat myself in the head with my own thoughts.

"Okay. I'll be back," he pulls out his phone as he struts to the other room, words muffled he calls out of work.
I stand there in disbelief of what I agreed to, I barely know this guy, he's a cop, I don't know his intentions.
He gallopes out of the room with hot pink Hollister underwear that are skin tight on his tan skin, while putting on a gray shirt that is tight around the arms letting his arms bulge through the cloth just about as much as I bulge out of my pants.
He smiles at me and asks,
"So jockey, what do you want to do today?" While cocking his head.
I look away from him and fight my thumbs against eachother,
"I don't know." I reply, my voice faint. I shrug, like a child when they get asked why they did that naughty thing.
He walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder, making me jump, then slowly slide it down to the side of my waist and squeezes.
"Don't be afraid. We both like eachother." He chuckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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