Bad Blood

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Original A/N: Wow okay so I hope it hasn't too long since I last updated! I really tried to make this one a good one so please by all mean let me know if you think I succeeded!
"Cause baby, now we've got bad blood. You know it used to be, mad love. So take a look what you've done / Now we've got problems and I don't think we can solve em'. / Baby now we've got bad blood." - Bad Blood by Taylor Swift
Elena couldn't breathe, her brown eyes blown wide as she just continued to stare on. It felt like someone had taken her heart, gripped it in the palm of their hand and then thrown it to the ground, ripped it right from her chest only to toss it away.

They were too late. That much was obvious if the sight in front of her was anything to go by.

She felt like she should say something, shout or scream. Demand that Katherine back away from him. But the way Damon was clutching onto her, drawing her impossibly closer, she had a feeling her demands wouldn't be met.

In the end she didn't have to say anything, Damon eventually pulling away as he finally took notice of her presence, his eyes squinting against the harsh light of the car as he struggled to identify her.

"Elena?" he asked, his voice confused.

It was only then that she realized the tears in her eyes. She was hurt. She felt humiliated, betrayed and she found herself just wanting to know

How could he do this to her?

Suddenly Stefan came into view, offering a lame wave sided with an apologetic look as he went to stand beside Elena, "Hi." he greeted them, feeling awkward about interrupting when the two had obviously been, er..busy.

Damon squinted at them, releasing his hold on Katherine as he turned to face them head on, "Stefan?" he said.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" he asked, looking at them in irritation. He was glad to see his brother, but Elena was number one on the list of people he didn't want anything to do with right now.

"What are we doing?" Elena asked, her voice laced with anger and hurt, "What are you doing Damon?" she said her eyes wide and emotional.

Damon sighed inwardly, his hands twitching into fists at his sides as he looked away from her, he did not need to have this conversation again. "Drop it Elena." he told her, his voice cold and hard as he looked at her, not bothering to hide his annoyance as he continued, "I'm pretty sure we've already covered this, and my stance is still the same." he said, Elena shaking her head at him.

"Damon please," she begged, "I'm just trying to protect you!" she exclaimed, her heart in her throat as she continued to look at him. This wasn't her Damon. This man wasn't the Damon she knew.. She didn't even recognize him.

Damon scoffed, looking at her like she'd just said something incredibly stupid, "Protect me?" he repeated.

"I don't need your protection." he told her, his eyes growing dark as he glared at her, "I'm a hundred and sixty eight years old Elena, I can take care of myself and I sure as hell don't need any help from you." he said bitterly, his voice filled with venom.

"You don't?" Elena asked rhetorically, "Fine." she told him before vamp speeding forward, unzipping his jacket in one swift movement, Damon's blood stained shirt coming into view.

"Then what is that?" she asked, looking at him challengingly, "Damon do you know what this smells like?" she asked him, grabbing a piece of the dirtied fabric, "It smells like death and fear." she told him, her eyes lacking their usual judgement, instead filling with disappointment followed by an uncharacteristically quick forgiveness and..comfort?

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