It had succumbed me to fleeing.

My Beta interjected however, placing herself between myself and Miss Grey. Holland stepped back, paling at the animalistic gesture. Emma had posed a stature of protectiveness, eyes gleaming a momentary Beta yellow. She was covering me, evidently assuming that Holland had approached me vindictively.

"Mr Singh-"

"Holland," regaining my composure, I pushed Emma to the side. "My name isn't Mr Singh." I told her bluntly, gladdened for the appropriate period that we'd fallen into, most of the student body was in class.

She gaped, "Who are you then?" She stepped back, gazing at the notebook that I still clamped onto rather severely.

I relaxed, "I am a man who really could use your help - by you telling me everything that has been going on so far."

Holland tensed, folding her arms. "I'm tired of being bossed about, shoved around by so called professionals and my whore of a damn mother." A retort to me, smartly. "I've seen my boyfriend's head stolen from his body - nothing that you do can terrify or convince me enough to change my opinion that whatever this is! I'm not getting involved." The girl shrieked determinedly while hot angry tears grew by the corner of her eyes.

I was ready to debate with her, to somehow convince her of the reason of why she should have to reap her knowledge then the school doors were flung open.

Holland screeched, turning away to shield herself as I snatched the opportunity to grab her by her waist and hold her protectively to my chest to protect her from the blast.

A gust of wind poured in, as the school doors shut and slammed. Holland at first struggled then relaxed and relented and clutched onto me.

The parent of the disturbance had caused all the locks to the school rooms to simultaneously shut as the drapes tugged down. Holland eyes shut stubbornly, as if she could blind herself from the current upheaval.

Someone entered - or two someone's to be specific. An Icelandic looking gentleman with azure wavy strands of hair above a gigantic build. He was decked in a white stripped shirt and navy blue simple jeans. He'd been the bender of the element, very very clearly making my head raise to him as my attraction was magnetised.

Jealousy is odd. For my body shook with rage, and an urge to flip back a force just as powerful as the one that he'd happened to hit me with. However, I held back that irate nudge so that I could cover a petrified Holland.

Emma stood guard, certainly the bravest of soldiers that I'd ever encountered. She was more faithful than any hound, more dumbly loyal than a mutt and when she wanted to be - more haughty than the sassiest cat.

Her short blonde locks blew in the ferocious winds while she only managed to just stand her ground.

"What the hell-" Holland called out, her bag rattling fiercely by her side as she gripped onto me, "What the bloody hell is actually going on!"

Sky hair approached, whispering to the equally tall form beside him. Ginger beard sighed, turning impatiently as his green eyes sparked. Sky hair was classically handsome, chiselled chin supported by a strong body of amazing muscle. Ginger on the other hand; was pale slightly, chubby in the face and his hair badly needed a good old clean cut.

"Man, wot de 'ell?" Ginger called out, characteristically bemused by his accomplices tactics. "Yous trying te kell 'em?" An insult lurked under the thick Irish accent, eyes burning with amusement before he turned to us. "Lesee wot me 'ave er."

Emma stepped forward, "One, I can't actually understand what you're mostly saying. Two, you'll have to get to him over my dead body-"

"Won't be a problem."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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