Chapter 1

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I hear the white coats footsteps echo down the hall. The closer, they get the more my heart races. I'm known as Experiment 00X, I've never actually had a real name, well, not one that I remember. I and the other's are 'part of a big plan' the white coat people say 'We have a purpose for doing what we're doing.' They say as they injected us with animal DNA into our own. Some people are newer, and some are older. Like me, I've been here since I was 5. They've taught us and trained us. Then they inject us if they think we're good enough. The DNA process is hard. One: They inject the animal DNA into your blood. Two: You feel sick while the process is going on, and it hurts so much you don't want to move, and the worst thing is, some die, it's not fair! I heard rumors that if you don't make the physical cut they kill you, so you don't tell anyone about what they're doing and if you don't get better after the injection, they kill you then as well. They don't know what animal DNA they give you. They don't label it or anything, all they do is have is large animals in a group, medium animals in a group and small animals in a group. Most of them are dangerous, so no useless animals. If you're a bigger person, you get larger animal, cause if you were a small person with large animal DNA it would be too much and you would just die. I've seen it happen once. Me, I'm on the small side. They injected me when I was 10. Haven't been out of my cage in a while because I was one of the weaker ones who was sick for a while, they were going to kill me, but, somehow I got better, so I haven't been tested for which animal I am. I know I'm in small cat or dog cause I have a short tail and furry ears with extra hair at the tip that hear very well. I can also smell better more than a normal human can. I feel sorry for people who's ever gotten an Elephant cause they got some Elephant qualities if you know what I mean. "Get her out! It's time for testing." One of the men in the white says as he drags a young girl out, she has white hair with black stripes in it. She's young but a little taller than me, so, I'm going to say medium-sized animal, and by the looks, I'm going to say Zebra. She got off lucky it just seems like she dyed her hair like that. Minutes later I hear their footsteps echo down the hall once again but, this time there is young girls limb body being drug across the floor. "Too bad," one of the men helping drag her says "She was so young," the other one says as he shakes his head. I can't help staring when every part of me says 'Don't look.'

"Too bad Zebras don't have too much talent, another life wasted" I look around to see all the other girls. They don't care! All they care about is themselves. "You know she kinda reminds me of my daughter back home" I barely hear as their voices disappear. "Next!" The voice surprised me, for all I was thinking about was that poor girl. "Experiment 00X" My ears perked up at the sound of a woman's announced over the speaker. He opens my cage and grabs my foot and starts to drag me. I hit and kick him as much as I could to get him off. I shake my head for I could not use my voice to say 'No' or even scream. My voice, I haven't heard it in a while. The last time I used my voice was when I was younger, an older man about 30 would visit me every day. He was the nicest person here he would talk to me and treated me like and actual human being. "Don't worry I'll get you out of here" he used to say. He said I reminded him of his daughter back home. His smile and just the way he talked would bring comfort to me, till these monsters killed him for "Interfering with one of the Experiments" I don't know how they did it or what they told his family members, but I bet it was all lies! I toss and turn trying to slip out of his grip, but he was way stronger than me, I bet he worked out which is one thing I did not do. "Stop wiggling" he turns toward me with his brows pushed together. He looks young about my age. He reaches for my hands so he can carry me the rest of the way. I don't give up that easily. I move my hands closer my mouth to get ready for my master plan. Once his hand is close enough to my face, I bite him, right in between the index finger and thumb. He groans in pain and tries to shake me off which makes him cry out in pain more. Oh, did I mention some of us get our animals teeth as well, I'm one of those lucky people. I can taste his blood in my mouth "Listen I'm mostly on your side" I don't believe that one bit, no one here is "Good" I stare right him and him at me "You give me no choice. Help, help!" Immediately I hear footsteps rush our way. Fingers push against my jaws, which, hurts, it forced me to open my mouth and let go, once that happens my head swings back, my hair getting pulled. The man I bit carriers my legs, while another one carriers my arms and again another holds my hair. I get thrown into a room of full white walls and a whole bunch of obstacles.

Expriment 00XWhere stories live. Discover now