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Football player Ashton was the last one in the locker room. This game was the first game of the season that their teem had lost and you could tell from in the bleachers that he was more than upset. You had decided to go to the locker room to see if he was ok. His back was to the door and he was sitting with his hands in his head as you walked in. The mussels on his back and arms were shinny from sweat. You walk up behind him and hug him from behind causing him to yelp in surprise. He turns to you and says "I can't believe we lost, it's all my fault"
"No it's not Ashton! You are one of the best players on the team. And it was so close. If you weren't on this team it wouldn't have been that close" you say
Ashton still looks like he doesn't believe you and he says "can we go home and cuddle?"
"Of corse Ashton." You say and you go home and cuddle for hours.

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