09: Drop All Your Worries

Start from the beginning

She puts her menu down, closing it. "I'll get what ever you're getting," she says.

He smiles at her, knowing exactly what she is doing. "You can get whatever you want. I don't care how much it costs."

"I know, but I don't want to. I don't want you to spend so much money on me," she mumbles to herself.

He chuckles. "Babe, it's okay. Get what you want. You can get a lobster or something."

"I hate seafood."

He smirks. "I know you."

"Asshole," she mutters.

"I heard that, babe," he sings.

"You were meant to, babe," she mocks.

He smirks and continues looking at his menu. The waiter soon returns and takes their orders. They both get some pasta dish Zayn couldn't pronounce because it sounded good. The waiter chuckles and scribbles their orders down before leaving them. Their food soon arrives and they eat, casually talking. After they finish, they order a dessert to share.

"So tell me, why are we here?" AJ asks Zayn as she fiddles with her silverware.

Zayn shrugs. "I'm not sure; I just felt like it."

"Seriously, this place is too fancy. They put a lemon in my water, Zayn. We don't go to places like this."

He smiles and leans on the table. "I can't take my girlfriend to a fancy restaurant without having a reason?"

"No, you can't," she tells him. "So, why are we here?"

He laughs. "I'm not telling you anything."

She rolls her eyes. "Are we going anywhere after this?"

"Harry is gone for the night, well I kicked him out, so he's not going to be home." Zayn reaches across the table and grabs her hand. "We could go back to my place and I could help you get that dress off," he says in a low tone.

AJ blushes. "It was kind of hard to get on," she flirts back.

He smirks and raises his eyebrows. "I'll take that as a yes, then."

She shrugs and smiles at him. "I'm going to run to the bathroom before dessert gets here," she says, grabbing her purse. Zayn grabs her hand, pulling her into a quick kiss before he sends her off. He watches her walk away and then shoves his hand into his pocket to get a small box.

He places it on the table, trying to figure out where to put it. He finally decided on setting it on her side of the table, leaving it closed. Zayn takes a deep breath and then relaxes in his seat. He looks around the restaurant as he waits for AJ to return.

Two men standing in front of the restaurant catch his eye and his heart stops. "Shit," he mumbles to himself. He quickly grabs the small box and shoves it in his pocket. He reaches for his wallet as AJ returns. He throws a hundred on the table and stands to meet AJ.

"Hi, we have to go," he tells her.

"What? Why? The dessert hasn't even gotten here," she tells him. "What happened?"

"I know but see there are two guys who work for Sonny outside and they saw me, so we have to get out of here," he tells her as he helps her get her jacket on.

"What?" she asks, starting to freak out, putting her arms through her jacket.

"I know, just stay calm and don't make a scene. We'll be fine. Just follow my lead and don't let go of my hand," he tells her.

She nods and grabs his hand. "Just tell me what to do."

He smiles sympathetically and leans her out the side entrance of the restaurant. The pair run to his car and lock the door quickly.

Zayn turns to her and kisses her. "Don't worry. I'm not going to let anybody hurt you, I promise."

She nods. "I trust you."

"Oh and before we go, I have to give you something," he tells her, digging in his pocket.


"This isn't how I wanted to do this, but here," he tells her, handing her the small box. "Just open it."

She takes it from him and opens it slowly. "Oh my God."

"AJ, will you-" Zayn starts but is cut off by a gun going off in the near distance. She jumps and Zayn curses, pulling out of the parking lot.

This is not what I had in mind.



So, there you go. Thoughts?

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The person who gets where Jason McCann is from gets the dedication for the next chapter :) x

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