Finally Loved Again: Chapter One((BoyxBoy))

Start from the beginning

When we got to school, everyone quickly scurried off the bus into Watervalley High. I slowly slumped behind everyone while Isaac stayed next to me, his clingy Barbie doll attached to him. 

"Isaac," Chelsea whined, "Let's forget this loser and go meet up with Stacey and Jackson," SHe said those words like I wasn't even there. 

I stopped in my tracks hurt that someone called me loser and it reminded me suddenly of my old school. "What'd you say?" I said in a murmur. Chelsea looked back at me and Isaac did too. "What did you say?" I said louder, prounciating my words carefully. 

Chelsea smirked, "I called you a loser," She chuckled.

I walked up to the cheerleader and yelled right in her face, "I'm not a loser, Bitch." Everyone around was staring at me, and Isaac's face even showed some astonishment. Realizing what I just did, I stared down at my feet and walked away from the scene with tears streaming down my face. I hate when someone calls me something mean. I especially hate it when someone calls me something mean so casually like Chelsea did. I didn't even try to head towards the front entrance, instead I darted towards the side of the school. With tears still in my eyes, I leaned up against the building and fell to the ground. I burrie dmy head into my knees. 

"Parker? Are you ok?" I heard a familiar voice whisper. I looked up and saw Isaac sitting down right in front of me with a worried look on his face. "You're crying," He said as he wiped some tears from my cheeks. 

"I'm fine," As I said those words, he suddenly wrapped his arms around me into a hug. My face flushed.

Isaac pulled away from me and grinned, "Are you blushing?" He laughed a little and ruffled my sandy brown hair.

For some reason I didn't want him to let go of me when he hugged me, I didn't want him to remove his hand from my hair. For some reason., even if I just met the boy, I feel somehwat safe and care free around him. I gazed straight into his eyes and smiled a smile I hadn't smiled in a long time.

Isaac looked at me a moment, "Damn boy, you sure are cute," He laughed.

"Ehhh? Shut up," I said, burrying my face into my knees again, embarassed. I looked up once more to find him staring down at me. An urge came over me as I gazed into his dreamy brown hazel eyes.  My heart was beating right out of my chest. Why was I feeling all fluttery with a guy I just met? I knew for a fact that I wasn't gay, or was I?!? Am I developing a crush on Isaac?

"So, do you have your schedule yet?" The football player said as he stood up, he held out his hand to help me up. I grabbed it and sure enough, he easily got me to my feet.

"Uhhhh...No...I need to stop by the office to get it," Right as soon as I finished my sentence the bell rang. "Oh no, Isaac you're going to be late to class!" I ran towards the front doors of the school dragging the male along with me. 

"Slow down Parker," Isaac called as I tugged on his arm. Suddenly, I stumbled trying to get up the stairs at the front entrance causing me to fall down. I hit the ground harshly, and caused Isaac to fall too. I winced in pain. "Are you Ok??" Isaac said, wrapping his arms around me. I finally realized that he had fallen on top of me.

"I'M FINE," I said, half embarassed, half nervous. As a blush formed across my face, I covered it with my arms so Isaac couldn't see.

I heard him laugh a little. "You really are too cute," Isaac whispered to himself quietly, but loud enough that I could hear him. He pushed his body closer to me and suddenly I could hear his heart beat. "Hey, Parker,"


"I want to go somewhere with you, but we'd have to skip school, is that Ok?"

I glanced up at him, still hidden behind my arms. His face was a couple inches away from mine and showed a sign of gentleness. "S-sure," I stuttered.

Both of us waited there a second, caught in the moment. Isaac chuckled. "Come on," He got up and then pulled me to my feet as well. We started to walk off of the school campus, together. 

"How long will it take and where are we going?" I was quite eager and nervous. Isaac actually wanted to take me somewhere, does that make us friends?

"You'll see," He intertwined one of his big hands into mine and started to pull me along. On the way to this special place, no one spoke, the two of us just smiled at one another. About 5 minutes of walking, I started to get really tired. My body doesn't function well with continous movements, and I probably should've told Isaac this. My breathing started to become really heavy and my legs hurt.

"I-i need to stop," I said, while falling to the ground.

"Parker, What's wrong?" Isaac fell down to the ground next to me and wrappe dhis arm around my shoulder.

"M-my body doesn't t-take exercise too well," I was panting heavily still. 

He smiled then patted my head,  "I got an idea," The taller boy sttod up and picked me up bridal style, scaring me a bit. "Ha, You are light just as I thought," He chuckled.

For once, it was good to be small and light. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my panting stopped, but my heart was still racing. This time, it wasn't because of the walk, and I knew it. "Thank you, Isaac," I whispered in his ear.

A bright shade of pink fell across his face, "No problem," Isaac whispered back, and then kissed my forehead. "We're almost there,"

"Yay," I screamed, giggling.

Isaac stopped in front of the cemetery. The cemetery? I was confused. Why would he take me to the cemetery? "I know it's not the best place for a da-" He paused a moment and both of our eyes got wide and faces flushed, "I-i mean for friends to hangout, but i.." It was really cute seeing him flustered. 

"Shhh It's okay," I smiled and tried struggling out of his amrs. He slowly put me down and gripped my hand tight.

"O-okay," He started to march through the graves, leading the way. I was following close behind.

"I wanted to show you something," He stopped at a grave that looked newly burried and knelt to the gorund and sniffed one of the flowers that layed next to it. I squated next to him and read the name. Daniel Jansen. 

"Who's Daniel Jansen?" I said, titlting my head and pointing to the name.

"He was my brother." Isaac traced his fingers over the writing and quietly read them to himself. "Born 2002, Died 2013. We all will miss you. RIP," Tears started to form into his eyes. I wanted to comfort him, but I wondered why he was wanting to show me this. He probably had many of others friends, and I barely even knew him, so why me. 

"He was...around eleven," I spoke. That was the only thing I could say.

"Yup," Things around us fell quiet. All I could hear was the nice November wind blowing. It was peaceful. He soon interupted it. "I wanted to bring you here because the first time I saw you, You reminded me of him. He was quiet and shy, and small for his age," Isaac laughed a little. "Yet, he was the sweetest thing ever. You can call me crazy but, for some reason, " He turned his head towards me and looked into my eyes, "I feel as if God is trying to make up for Danny's death and put you here instead," He scooted closer to me, tears falling down his cheeks.

I felt so bad for him, my heart just melted at the sight of him. But then a small thought came to mind: Chelsea. It seemed like the two were pretty close, but then again, it seemed like he didn't like her all to much and rather be here with me. I smiled, my eyes turning blurry with tears. "You aren't crazy," I giggled, "I think it may be true too,"

Isaac leaned his forehead on my own, "You are too cute," He then put his lips on mine, forming a kiss. My eyes widened a little at first, but then I let it happen. I kissed him back, my face showing a bright pink.  Even if a cemetery isn't a romantic place, I thought the way I got my first kiss was quite romantic. The weird part is, that even though it was with a guy, I somehow enjoyed it.


I am not good at writing long chapters, but I hope you like this one c: 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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