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Chapter Fifteen


*Hyolyn's POV*

It was 8pm. They all had to attend practice today, with their comeback so close. So I can't really be upset by it. Because it's their work. 

"You should take a jacket, it will get cold at night," Jeonghan stopped me leaving after Wonwoo. "You're still grounded along with DK when you come home," he reminded. 

"But moooooom," I whined, shrugging the jacket on. 

"Yeah, moooooom," DK whined behind him. Without saying anything, and a small smile on his face, Wonwoo stole me away from the room. Leading me down the stairs without a word, I pulled the hoodie on right. 

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly. Due to their hectic schedule, we haven't talked as much as before. 

"You'll see," he turned, a sly smirk on his face. 

Walking from the dorms, we walked in silence, but close. Quite close. Really close. His phone started ringing, and digging in his pocket, he scoffed when he saw the screen. Muting the call, he slid his pocket back into his pocket. 

"Don't you wanna get that?" I asked gently. 

"It's no one important. We should get going if we want to get there in time," he smiled, continuing down the street. Dismissing it from my mind, I followed. 


Guess where we are. I'll give you one guess. 

Where we always seemed to bump into each other before. At the graveyard. There's the hill with the big tree, at the back of the graveyard. It's peaceful, in its own way, I guess. 

"Here," he sat down, laying his jumper down for me to sit on. 

"Won't you be cold?" I sat down anyway. My legs hurt, everything hurts right now. 

"I'll be alright," he smiled, laying backwards. Following suit, I laid next to him. 

Can you imagine how fast my heart was beating right now? Can you even start to imagine? We are so close right now, I can feel the heat radiating from him. Scrap that. Our motherfluffing elbows are touching

Good timing Hyolyn. Turn on the teenage girl why don't you. 

"It should be any time now," he mumbled, looking up at the sky. Looking up too, the sky was full of stars. Like, it was an actual galaxy up there. 

"What are we looking for?" I whispered. I didn't want to break this... aura we had going on. 

"You'll see," he said again cockily. Rolling my eyes, I tore my eyes from the sky and looked toward him for a moment. Biting my lip, I looked back up at the sky. Even looking at his side profile hurts. 

Dang teenage crushes. They're stupid and well unnecessary. How rude can they be. 

"There look," he pointed a little to the right. Following his finger, I saw a few comets. "Make a wish, quick," he whispered gently. 

But I don't need to wish for anything. Because everything I wanted last time came true. I don't need anything else in my life. Wishing for him to like me back, or anyone to like me in that case, would be futile. Completely pointless. Love works in mysterious ways, sometimes it just doesn't come your way. 

"Hyolyn?" He whispered, almost inaudible. Looking downwards, I looked over to him. Meeting his eyes, they were soft, tired. His hair fell over this forehead, just missing his eyes. "Can I ask you something?" 

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