And then I see my son's killer.   That bitch.   I'm going to take my time avenging my sons death.  I knew she was no good for my son, and now look, she has killed him.   Who is that carrying her?  "BRING HER TO ME."   The wolf shakes her from his back and shifts into human form.    I think I recognise him, he is certainly from my pack.   "Bring her to me. NOW!!!"

"What have you done to Alex? Is he ........? Is he dead?"   How is he disobeying my orders, I positively  made it an order to bring her over here.

"The bitch you carried on your back has murdered my son and then she ran away and left him to die, she is a coward and I will seek vengance for my son.    You are from my pack, do not disobey me again, or I will make you see why I am an alpha.    Bring the woman to me".

"You may be an alpha, but you are not my Alpha.    The 'bitch' you keep referring to?   She is my alpha, you will call her by her name, Lucy.    And you're not going to touch her."    I'll kill him, I shift into my wolf, how dare he?   He has pledged alligence to her?   To the traitor?   She doesn't even have alpha blood in her veins, the only way she could be alpha is if she mated with my son, but he is dead.   And it's ALL.  HER.  FAULT.

I charge in their direction, he can try protecting her, I'll rip him in two, no-one will keep me from killing her.   No-one.

Will's point of view

Oh God, he’s lost it, no matter what happens, I will stay loyal to Alex and Lucy.    I shift into wolf form, I know I'm not strong enough to defend myself against Declan, but I might be able to keep his focus off Lucy long enough for her to work her magic.    I don't know if Alex is dead or alive, but until I know for sure, I'm going to assume he is okay.    Declan is coming for me, I have to wait for him to get to me before I run or he might just grab Lucy and forget all about me.

OK, time to start running.    My legs start to move on their own, I twist my head and look back to make sure Declan is chasing me but all I see is black, and then I'm pulled back, my body meets the ground, hard.   I can't breathe, I feel heat on my neck, Declan is going for the kill, I failed them.  I'm sorry Alex.    I manage to twist onto my back, I can't move my legs, I can't defend myself, but at least I will look into my killers eyes.    I force myself to open my eyes, I wasn't even aware I had closed them.    I see the black fur of Declans wolf, and then it dissapears.    I look to my right to see where it has gone only to see another wolf dragging Declan away from me, it's Lucy.    NO!   She is not strong enough, I try to roll over but the pain in my chest is unbearbale, I must have punctured a lung, bad thing to happen in wolf form.    My lung is healing around the rib that has pierced it, meaning it wil stay punctured until my rib can be reset.    I'm stuck here, I can't help her. 

Declan shakes Lucy free and spins around, she is on the ground, get up Lucy.   Run.  RUN.   Declan digs his teeth into her hind leg and tosses her into the air, she lands on her head and there is blood pouring out, what do I do?   There is no one left to call for help.   No, no the alpha has her again, he is dragging her by her hind leg, over to where Alex still lies perfectly still.   I hear the most  God awful scream, then a woman's voice.

"What have you done to my son?"

Two women come into sight, Bernie is one of them, the other woman I havent seen for some years. It's Aine, Alex's mother.   This is not good, she lost her mind after losing Conner.   If Declan tells her that Lucy killed Alex she will kill her.   I have to warn her.   "Bernie, it's Will, listen, Declan has lost it, I mean completely.   When I got here he was screaming about the person who killed his son, he believes someone else did it but  it was him Bernie, I know it was.   That's what Lucy felt."    Bernie looks over in my direction and nods, what the hell?  Talk to me!   We need a plan or something, she must know what's going to happen.   Lucy is dying, Alex is dead or dying.    Why is she so calm?

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