Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Alex's point of view

I don't know how long I've been sitting here, I was sure my father was about to kill me when all of a sudden he ran out of the room, I don't know where he went, or when he'll be back.   I can't shift, he pushed that foul poison in every wound he inflicted.   I can't heal, this is how my Lucy must have felt every time he scarred her.   There is no way I can let him live after this.   But I have to try stay calm, my wolf is trying desperately to be in control, he knows we are in danger, he knows we can’t protect Lucy from any danger but if he takes over my body, we will die.

I need to find a way to get out of these chains, there is a jug of water across the room, if I can just get there, I can clean my wounds and shift, I know once I shift I will heal quickly, I have no broken bones, only deep cuts and bruises.   I heal fast.   I just need to get water.   Maybe I could call a guard and ask for water?   The alpha left in such a hurry he might not have told the guards to keep the water away from me.   "Guard?"  My voice is hoarse, and I could barely hear what I said, I clear my throat and try again.  "Guard? .... guard?"   No response, maybe he warned them not to speak to me.

Ok, new tactic, what can I use? The chains are short so I can't walk over.   There is nothing else in reach.   Damn it! I wish I could contact Lucy, see if she is ok.   She must be worried about me, but by now Jamie will have gone up to the house, he will have told her everything that's happened.   At least she is safe.   As long as she stays in the house with Jamie, Matt and Will, she will be ok.

Something’s happening outside, I can hear growls I stand up and lean against the wall, ok maybe nothing is broken, but I have lost a lot of blood and standing up almost knocked me out.   I can hear yelps outside now, getting closer.  There is a huge bang as something is thrown against the door.   I have to be ready to fight.   This could be anyone.

The door opens and I see a very large white and brown wolf, it's Matt.

"Matt, what are you doing here?" He shifts, closes and locks the door. Then he looks at me and punches the wall.

"We don't have much time, Will will be here soon, once he is here we need to move.  Can you walk?" I rub my eyes, is Matt really here?

"Water, I need that jug over there".   He grabs the jug and hands it to me, "is there anything I could use as a cloth?"  He clicks his fingers and runs to the door, unlocking it and opening it before looking both ways punching a guard in the face who was trying to get in, the guard fell to the floor and didn’t move anymore.   Matt returns with a flag which has my family crest on it.  He throws it to me, then re-locks the door.   I dip the flag in the water and start cleaning out my wounds.

"Matt, what is going on? You are supposed to be at the house with Lucy, not that I don't appreciate the rescue, but you promised me you would keep Lucy safe.  " I can feel relief as soon as the water washes away the poison.   I’m so happy that I could provide those baths for my mate after my father punished her.

"Did he use the poison on you?"   I nod, he kneels down and takes the flag off me, rips it in half, and hands me back one half.   He dips his half into the jug and starts cleaning the wounds on my legs. "Listen to me, I promise you that Lucy is safe, Will is with her.   She ran from us when we got to the house, she thought we were coming to bring her to the alpha.   I really need you to not shift when I tell you the next part ok, but she fell down the jump.   She is fine, she is a smart one".   Oh the relief, she could have died.    I have to let him finish what he needs to tell me, I continue cleaning the wounds, I already feel stronger.   There is shouting outside again.   The rest of the guards must be here.

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