Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"He is my mate" I look to Bernie, I want her to tell me that I'm delirious or that I'm making things up, but instead she smiles at me, and holds my hand "yes Lucy, he is your mate, and right now he is about two seconds from ripping that door off if I don't let the doctor in to see you, shall I let him in?" Wait let who in, I don't know if I want to see Alex, yes he is my mate and yes he has something to do with my secret helper, but I can't trust him, he is present at the scarrings and he is the alpha's son. "You can let the doctor in Bernie." I hope that will be enough for now. She gets up and opens the door, a man I don't think I have seen before comes in.

"Hello Lucy, I am doctor Macadam, how are you feeling?" He puts his hand on my forehead, and opens his bag, he pulls out a stethoscope,

"I am ok, really doctor, I have just been a bit lightheaded today" he puts the stethoscope on my chest and tells me to breathe, he keeps moving it around saying breathe in ... and out, each time he moves it.

"Have you been under any stress lately Lucy?" Ha, stress no doctor no, my life is just peachy, why today has been so mundane I do believe I did faint with the boredom. "No more today than usual doctor" unless of course you mean somthing like finding your mate, who could be your enemy, whos bed you are in right now.

"Have you got any other symptoms? Do you feel sick?"

I don't actually, which is odd, I mean if I was ill then this would all make sense, but .. "No, doctor. I feel fine. So what is going on?"

"I see you are not mated" is that scratching at the door? "and I know how strange this next question will sound, but is there any chance you have met your mate today?" Wow, he is good. How the hell can he tell that from checking my temperatre and heartbeat? Alex must have told him.

"I do believe so yes, but what has that got to do with anything?" Calm yourself down Lucy, he is only trying to help.

" I have heard of something like this happening before and it would explain why you fainted even though you are in perfect health. Surely you know most people don't faint when they find their mate, sometimes they might get lightheaded, or get butterflies in their stomach, but not many would faint, but see this is where your situation is different, perhaps."

My situation? What situation? "Go on doctor, please" he looks at Bernie, then back to me. "You see, usually when one mate finds the other they go to them, they talk to them, the other person knows straight away once they speak or see them in human form. But if the one who discovers the other does not go to their mate, and let it be known, then the feelings get stronger when they do meet their mate."

Whoa slow down, I'm so confused. "sorry doctor, I'm still a bit groggy, can you try explain that again?"

"of course, sorry, I do go on a bit. Ok so I'll assume that master Alex out there is your mate, and as you only found out today,and for my theory to work he must have known for longer. Is that correct so far?" I look at Bernie, she nods at the doctor and squeezes my hand, how long has Alex known I am his mate? The doctor is looking at me, he must need me to confirm what he is saying. "yes doctor, go on"

"So in usual circumstances Alex would have found out you were his mate, and he would have got the butterflies and lightheadedness and then he would have gone to you and you would have also got the butterflies and lightheadedness, but this is not the case for you. For whatever reason, Master Alex did not come to you straight away, so the feelings have been building up and up so that when you met him today all those feelings hit you in one go, causing you to pass out. But if this is the case, for you to go hot and cold like that twice and faint, it would have to mean that your mate has known that you are his mate for a very long time. But then his wolf would be in constant pain, knowing who his mate was but not mating with her."

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