Chapter 21

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Have you even been met with someone from your past? A person that at times you thought you'd never see again? How did it make you feel? Did it bring back memories? Were they good? Were they scary? I was so caught up in the moment that at first I didn't even think about the past. Seeing her again, safe and sound, was more than enough for me.


"Harry?" She asked, walking up to me, steps quickening as she probably realised that it was indeed me, and then I was wrapped in a tight hug. "Oh my god, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question." I grinned as her as she crossed her arms. I couldn't believe she was really here.

"I asked first." She insisted.

"Well," I sighed. "I uhm, the night I disappeared, I met this guy at the club I worked at. He seemed really nice and he asked to help me get out. I've been living with him since. I told him how I wanted a normal life now that I'm out and it included completing school so he worked really hard for that and... here I am. By the way, today he's my boyfriend."

"Oh my god!" She called. "Styles, are you freaking serious?! That's great. I'm so happy for you. And I'm so happy that you're alright and happy. We were worried sick about you. Vanessa was convinced you killed yourself."

I smiled and sighed. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry I left like that but I was so desperate and it was a chance of once in a lifetime I just had to go for it."

"It's okay." She smiled warmly. "As ling as you're happy. It's not like I'm one to talk."

I chuckled. "So how'd you get here?"

"Well... one night when we left the club I worked at I saw they were distracted fir quite a bit so I made a run for it. By the time they noticed they couldn't catch up to me." I smiled to myself, knowing what a fast runner she was. "I kept running until I ran into Ally. You remember Ally, from middle school?" I nodded. "However, appearebtly she bought her own place. She was just leaving and she recognized me and asked why I was running. I just begged her for a place to stay and promised to tell her everything later and she agreed. So I told her amd a few months later we found out about this school and I decided to try and here I am."

"Wow." I breathed. "Well... I'm so glad you're okay. I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too." She hugged me tightly again. "We all have."

After a few seconds of silence where we were still hugged, she spoke up again. "So tell me more about your boyfriend."

I smiled. "His name is Louis. We started dating in March, when I somehow comfessed falling for him without even knowing." I chuckled as she shook her head and gave me a look of 'so like you'. "And he's sweet. He's the sweetest guy I've ever met and he just makes me feel safe and wanted and loved. He loves telling me all that's important to him is for me to be happy. He's older than me in almost- almost, three years and he works at a photography shop. And he's simpley the best person I could ask to have by my side, especially at a time like after I ran away. He's always been there for me and he's just what I need and, God, I'm so in love, I never imagined I could feel like this but it's real and that makes it even better. He's caring and sweet and kind and..." I sighed. "He's just perfect, Ash."

She smiled at me. "I'm so happy that you've got someone like that. You out of all people need and deserve someone like that."

I smiled gratefully back at her. "So... how's everyone... you know, back... there?"

She sighed. "Well, I haven't been there lately, much like you, but before I left it was all pretty much the same. Little Danny really misses you, though. Everyone does, actually. And they were so mad when you left. I think I heard them talking about bringing new kids."

"New kids..." I mumbled, biting my lip. "Fresh meat, huh? Poor things."

"Yeah." She agreed.

Niall was back a little earlier than planned.

"Hello." He said, looking at Ashley with a side smile.

She looked at me before back at him, mumbling a quiet

"Uhm, Ash, this is Niall. Niall, this is Ashley, one of my best... childhood friends."

"Nice to meet you." He said.

"You too." She replied.

"You have a seat?" I asked, Ashley shook her head, so I looked to the desk Niall and I put our bags at. "There's a seat behind me, the column on the side of the door, my bag says 'VANS'." She nodded and went to put her bag there, and when the bell rang we all went to our seats.


"Yo," Niall said when we packed our stuff at the end of class. "Want me to show you 'round?"

I smiled at him. "That'd be great, thanks."

And so after he did show me around, it turned out we were in the same ckass again, so we stepped in together.

"I'm gonna sit with a friend, if that's okay." He said.

"Sure, sure." I smiled at him and he nodded back with a smile, going to sit with his friend.

"Can I umm... is this seat taken?" I asked as I walked up to a desk where a girl sat, and seemed to have a free seat next to her.

"No, you can sit. Here," she removed her bag and flashed me a little smile. "Please, sit."

I smiled back. "Thank you." And sat down next to her.

"I'm Harry, by the way." I said.

"Bethany." She said, placing out her hand for me to shake, which I did.

She was really nice, and we exchanged a few words during the lessing until Mr. Goldstein turned to us and cleared his throat. "Mister... Styles, is it?"

"It is, sir." I said, hearing Bethany chuckle next to me where she had her hand on her mouth.

"Well, Mister Styles, I hope I do not bore you but if I do you can leave the classroom." He pushed his large glasses up his nose.

"No, sir, I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I apoligized, hearing some more chuckles from Bethany and seeing Niall cracking from the corner of my eye.

"I sure hope so." He said. "Since you are new you do not know me but please keep in mind this might seem like a middle school or a high school but this does not mean you can act like in one of those. You are an adult and expected to behave like one."

"Okay, sir, I'm sorry." He nodded and I kicked Bethany's leg under the table when I saw her head on her arms and heard her laugh. Mr. Goldstein turned to Niall who was laughing, too and that is when I raised my gaze with a smirk.

"Is something funny to you, Mr. Horan?" He asked.

"No sir," Niall said, trying to stop laughing. "Sorry sir."

When Mr. Goldstein turned back to the board Niall gave me a look and I just stuck my tongue out at him.

School was going to be more fun than I thought.

Manwhore- Larry Stylinson #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now