☥Chapter Twenty☥

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Call me crazy, cause I know without you I won't be no good -Tamar Braxton, If I Don't Have You

-Jahmiah in the MM

The next morning,


Courtney was gone and she went to spend time with Harper. I cuddled with one of the large teddy bears Jahmiah had sent me yesterday, and all I did was embrace it as I watched movies.

I sighed, biting my lip. I still felt depressed at what happened a few weeks ago. Never did I once ignore his calls for so long- I blocked him.

My doorbell rang and I grabbed my crutches to go answer it. I looked out the peephole, seeing nobody there except a box. Opening the door, I pulled the box in. Slamming the door close with my hip, I hurried over to put the box in front of the couch.

I'm guessing my leg is a bit better, so I don't need those damn crutches. They hurt my armpits.

Sitting down, I used my pair of scissors to cut the tape. Opening the folds, I looked inside, seeing another teddy bear, but with other presents. It was filled with 'I'm Sorry' cards, chocolates, flowers and flower pedals, pictures of us we took at our spot on the roof of his apartment. There was also a cotton blanket in my favorite color: lavender. It had 'I love you, Poodie' sewed in it in thick black thread.

I pulled everything out and saw a case at the bottom. Picking it up, it was the movie Grease. He knows I love this movie and that I'm a sucker for it.

Grabbing my hair, I laid my back on the arm of the couch.  I want him, I miss him so much- but I don't know... My heart still hurts like hell, and I don't know if I'm overthinking.

They say that when a person is drunk and speaking, the person speaks sober thoughts. So I don't know if he means it or not. Half of me wants to believe he was just emotional and didn't mean a single word he said- the other half saying he meant to say it, trying to make me feel guilty.

But my solution is whatever my heart says. And I'm crying because my heart is torn between the two choices: take him or leave him.

I unblocked him and stared at my phone.

He's not going to call, he's not going to call.

My phone started ringing, seeing My Baby 💏💙💍 pop up. Twisting my lips, I answered on the 5th ring.

"H-Hello?" I spoke

"Ny, baby, I'm sorry" He said into the phone. I felt my throat tighten, just by hearing his voice. It sounded like he was crying for hours and hours "Y'know I ain't mean to say all that shit, Nyzra. It was an honest mistake- I'm sorry for getting drunk, I'm sorry for putting my hands on you like that. I'm sorry for upsetting you and making you cry. I'm sorry for hurting you, baby.

I know I fucked up and I admit that. I miss you so much, and I hate being away from you like this. Been missing your beautiful face and voice like crazy- I know I caused that. Hanson even came over and we fought about it and he set me straight. Y'know I love you with all my heart, Ny, and not seeing you or hearing from you is just unbearable" He sighed

By this time, tears ran down my face as I listened to him. I honestly had no words. As much as I wanted to hang up, my heart wouldn't let me.

But I ended the call anyways.


I rubbed my hands over my face, sitting on the ground that was covered in medium sized rocks.

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